How to Set Up Opera Mini for Palm T5
- 1). Launch a Web browser.
- 2). Download the Palm IBM Java Virtual Machine ZIP file. (See Resources.)
- 3). Download the Opera Mini JAD installation file. (See Resources.)
- 4). Unzip the contents of the IBM Java Virtual Machine ZIP file.
- 5). Connect your Palm Tungsten T5 to the computer using the Palm cradle or USB cable.
- 6). Launch the Palm Quick Install program by selecting "Start," "Programs," "Palm" and then "Install Tool."
- 7). Click "Add."
- 8). Navigate to the IBM Java Virtual Machine files that were unzipped in Step 4 and select "\WEME571JVM\JVM\ARM4T\JavaVMMidp20.prc" for installation, and then click "OK."
- 9). Perform a HotSync by pressing the HotSync button located on the Palm cradle or USB cable. This will install the the IBM Java Virtual Machine onto your Palm Tungsten T5. You will be notified when the HotSync is complete.
- 10
Launch the Palm Quick Install program once more by selecting "Start," "Programs," "Palm" and then "Install Tool." - 11
Click "Add." - 12
Navigate to the Opera installation file downloaded in Step 3 and then click "OK." - 13
Perform a HotSync once more by pressing the HotSync button located on the Palm cradle or USB cable. This will transfer the Opera installation file to your Palm device. - 14
Disconnect your Palm Tungsten T5 once the HotSync is completed and turn it on if it is not already. - 15
Select "System," "Preferences," "Other" and then "IBM Java VM" on your Palm Tungsten T5. - 16
- 17
Launch Opera by selecting the Opera icon from the Palm Tungsten T5 home screen.