Are Envelopes Necessary for Party Invitations?
- In many cases, unconventional and creative invitations cannot fit neatly into an envelope. For example, a pirate party invitation might feature a scroll of paper nestled inside a glass bottle. On the other hand, a '50s theme party might feature an invitation glued onto an old record. For these types of invitations, an envelope is not only unnecessary, but also impractical. If possible, deliver the invitations by hand. If they must be mailed, use a cushioned box to deliver the invitations.
- Since hand-delivered invitations are not processed by the postal service, envelopes are not required. Instead, simply hand the invitations to your party guests. For a more discrete delivery, slide them under the guests' front doors.
- If you must mail your invitations, the necessity of envelopes depends entirely on your type of party invitation. A formal paper invitation requires an envelope for mail processing. However, a postcard does not require an envelope. On a postcard party invitation, use an image to decorate the front of the card. On the back of the postcard, place your party details on one side of the card and the address information on the other side.