How to Build Rat Metal Rack
- 1). Buy a pan for the cage. The size of the pan depends on the size of the cage you want but at least 2 inches deep to prevent any litter or rat droppings from falling over the side. Make two holes in the center of the length of the pan on opposite sides with the hammer and nail.
- 2). Measure the size of the pan you selected. Go to your local hardware store and tell an associate to cut you seven pieces of 1-inch square wire mesh. The size of the mesh depends on your rat's age and size. 1-inch mesh is standard for average sized adult rats, but you will need something smaller if you have baby rats in the cage.
- 3). Tell the associate your measurements. You need two pieces the length of the cage pan and two that match the width. The cage can be as tall or short as you wish but should accommodate the size of rat. Cut a piece of mesh for a door, depending on the size of cage, and the lid. The seventh piece of mesh is for a shelf, possibly for your rat's bed or eating area.
- 4). Cut a hole in the top or one of the sides for the door using wire cutters. Attach the door to the wire mesh with loosely wound wire on one side and a metal spring on the other. Do not wrap the wire so tightly you cannot open and close the door or so loosely that your rat can escape. They can squeeze through very small spaces.
- 5). Assemble the rat rack. Build the body of the cage, attaching all edges together at top, bottom and center with a piece of wire. Use the needle nose pliers to tuck under any excess wire and ensure there are no sharp edges sticking out. Place the assembled walls onto the rack pan and attach with two springs through the holes you made in Step 1.
- 6). Make the shelf. Bend under the wire mesh 1 inch and attach it at a corner of the cage. Attach the wire mesh to the outside wall on both edges. For a larger cage, place several shelves along one side of the wall.
- 7). Accessorize your rat rack with ladders, play toys, food dishes and treats, hammocks and exercise equipment.