Environmental Problems in New Jersey
- Corporate dumping is a big cause of pollution in New Jersey.pollution image by Joseph Chiapputo from Fotolia.com
While New Jersey has legislation to protect the environment from pollution, the laws are frequently not followed or ignored by companies and individuals. Fines for polluting have been decreased in recent years and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) estimates that fine revenue will fall by $40 million in 2011. New Jersey's environmental problems have improved over the last few years, but there are still some types of pollution that continue to be a problem. - Pollution is affecting New Jersey's waters less in recent years thanks to the closure of eight ocean dumping sites. However, stormwater runoff continues to be a problem. Stormwater runoff occurs when heavy storms wash pollutants into surrounding waters. These pollutants include garbage, animal waste and chemicals. This makes some New Jersey waters dangerous to swim in and can affect the quality of drinking water. Drinking water tested in some parts of New Jersey was found to have high levels of tetrachloroethylene, a cleaning solvent linked to cancer and kidney damage.
The New Jersey DEP has been criticized for aiding pollution. New Jersey commissioner Bob Martin banned oyster research and ordered the removal of all such oysters from New Jersey waters in June 2010 despite the fact that oysters act as a natural filter for contaminants. - Despite the fact that New Jersey's air quality has improved significantly since the 1980s, air pollution continues to be above recommended levels. Smog in the state is among some of the worst in the country, according to Environment New Jersey, and soot has had a detrimental effect on residents' health. Many of New Jersey's industries rely on fossil fuels which are damaging to air quality; the state has 10 coal-powered power plants and the auto industry is a large part of New Jersey's economy. Air quality is no longer a big danger to ordinary citizens, but the elderly, young people, asthmatics and those with allergies may still be affected.
- Acid rain can strip the paint from cars and houses.rain image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.com
Acid rain has been a major problem for New Jersey in the past. In 1984, acid rain caused the almost total failure of the reproduction of rainbow trout in Van Campens Brook, New Jersey. Today, acid rain is still prevalent; according to the Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium (UMAC), 90 percent of the streams in New Jersey's Pine Barrens are acidic. Acid rain is caused when rain absorbs the pollutants in the air and can cause major damage to forestry, marine fish and animals. New Jersey's air pollution does not just have an effect on its own rain. In December 2009, the states of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey settled a court case with Ohio and Indiana over acid rain caused by their power plants.