What Matters Most When Creating Your Blog Content?
If you've been scratching your head the last few months wondering how to make your blog content gain the attention and traffic you desire, think no more.
There are two specific elements that play the BIGGEST role in the success of your blog content.
Trust me, I've used this same advice to generate hundreds of visits to my blog daily and build a flourishing personal brand.
Why do I want to share it with you? For one, I see too many darn people failing in the online business world.
It's really not as hard as it seems, you just have to find the right mentor, and remove the words "give up" from your vocabulary.
Second, I'm just a generous person by nature and love helping others.
I'm sure you're more than curious so let me share these two success secrets with you: 1.
) Quality - The quality of your blog posts will directly affect the success that you have as a blogger.
My advice to you is to keep your blog content professional looking - neat, clean, concise...
don't have 13 different text colors or ramble your way through the post with no particular outline.
You also need to keep the information itself of top quality.
Consider who your audience is and what they might find valuable while positioning yourself as a leader in your niche.
If your content is either educational, enlightening, entertaining, or empowering chances are, you've got something good to share.
Increasing your own value by reading books, attending seminars, or etc.
is the fastest and easiest way to get ideas for quality blog content.
) Quantity - Many beginner bloggers/marketers think that a handful of blog posts, videos, and articles will be enough to get them noticed.
Think again.
While understandably it takes time to build up the content levels necessary you have to commit yourself to creating content weekly, if not more.
The more articles and videos you can have pointing people back to your blog content, the better.
The more search engine optimized blog posts, videos, and articles you have, the better.
Don't drive yourself crazy trying to do it all at once, but target one keyword per month that you want to go after.
If you do it right, they will begin to build up and drive all sorts of new traffic to your blog.
There are two specific elements that play the BIGGEST role in the success of your blog content.
Trust me, I've used this same advice to generate hundreds of visits to my blog daily and build a flourishing personal brand.
Why do I want to share it with you? For one, I see too many darn people failing in the online business world.
It's really not as hard as it seems, you just have to find the right mentor, and remove the words "give up" from your vocabulary.
Second, I'm just a generous person by nature and love helping others.
I'm sure you're more than curious so let me share these two success secrets with you: 1.
) Quality - The quality of your blog posts will directly affect the success that you have as a blogger.
My advice to you is to keep your blog content professional looking - neat, clean, concise...
don't have 13 different text colors or ramble your way through the post with no particular outline.
You also need to keep the information itself of top quality.
Consider who your audience is and what they might find valuable while positioning yourself as a leader in your niche.
If your content is either educational, enlightening, entertaining, or empowering chances are, you've got something good to share.
Increasing your own value by reading books, attending seminars, or etc.
is the fastest and easiest way to get ideas for quality blog content.
) Quantity - Many beginner bloggers/marketers think that a handful of blog posts, videos, and articles will be enough to get them noticed.
Think again.
While understandably it takes time to build up the content levels necessary you have to commit yourself to creating content weekly, if not more.
The more articles and videos you can have pointing people back to your blog content, the better.
The more search engine optimized blog posts, videos, and articles you have, the better.
Don't drive yourself crazy trying to do it all at once, but target one keyword per month that you want to go after.
If you do it right, they will begin to build up and drive all sorts of new traffic to your blog.