Gingivitis Cure
Gingivitis is a very common dental problem. In fact, gingivitis affects about 90% of all adults at one time or another. Gingivitis can cause bad breath, bleeding gums and mouth pain, and if left unchecked can eventually lead to serious periodontal disease. Once gingivitis has led to periodontal disease, victims are at risk of tooth loss and even heart disease.
Gingivitis is simply an inflammation of the gingivitis which is your gums. The symptoms are swollen, red, soft gums that bleed easily.
It is reversible, however, the treatment for gingivitis is absolutely crucial because the damage is permanent.
Causes of Gingivitis The main cause of Gingivitis is Plaque. Plaque, not the award given to someone, is an invisible, sticky film, composed primarily of bacteria, that forms on your teeth when starches and sugars in food interact with bacteria normally found in your mouth. When you brush your teeth, plaque is removed but will re-form quickly, usually in about a day. Now you know why your mom said brush your teeth everyday!
Simply put gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. Gingiva in dental terms are the gums of the mouth. "itis" is a suffix and when added to a name of a body part means inflammation of, for example, appendicitis which is inflammation of the apendix or tonsillitis which is inflammation of the tonsils. The list goees on and on of things that can be inflammed.
Treating Gingivitis
In order to treat gingivitis, a dentist or dental hygienist must thoroughly clean both the gums and the teeth. The process generally is not painful and the inflammation usually disappears after one or two weeks if the patient maintains proper oral hygiene care following the cleaning. This includes brushing, flossing, and using an anti-bacterial rinse or mouthwash.
Gingivitis treatment is very effective if the disease is caught in time. The most effective gingivitis treatment or gum disease treatment is to prevent gingivitis and gum disease from getting started. Gingivitis treatment begins with regular daily brushing of the teeth to remove plague and tartar. Scraping of the tongue is also important to remove bacteria. Many people overlook these important parts of oral hygiene, but they are essential for gingivitis treatment.
People with even mild gingivitis, therefore, are searching for a cure. And, though gingivitis is something that you'll always have to keep on top of, you can certainly get it under control and eliminate your symptoms. Your mouth can be healthier than it has been in years. And, luckily, the steps to treating gingivitis are pretty simple.
get rid of gingivitis;
1. CoQ10 - This is a supplement that you can easily get that is an antioxidant so prevents free radicals from building up in your body including your mouth.
2. Folic Acid - This is highly effective against gum disease. You can find it in pill form.
3. Vitamins C & E - These are both helpful in supporting your dental health
4. Neem - There are natural toothpastes in the marketplace now with neem as one of the ingredients and this is an excellent foe against gingivitis as it has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Gingivitis can be an annoying and painful dental problem. It's extremely common, and many people never succeed in completely getting rid of gingivitis. When gingivitis gets out of control, it can lead to serious periodontal disease, and even tooth loss.
symptoms of gingivitis are as follows:
1-Bad mouth taste.
2-Foul breath.
3-Mouth sores
4-Change in the color from healthy pink to bright-red, or purple gums.
5-Shiny look to gum.
6-Gums that are painless, except when touched.
Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of Gingivitis, because when plaque stays on your teeth for more than a few days it turns into tartar. Tartar then starts to build up next to your gums, and causes irritation and can lead to Gingivitis. The worst thing about tartar is that it can not be removed by brushing and flossing alone.
Before I talk about green tea as a home remedy for gingivitis, you need to know first what gingivitis is and what causes it.
Gingivitis, quite simply, is a non-serious form of gum disease. It is mild, or non-serious in its early stages but can lead to more serious periodontal disease. Gingivitis has been known to cause swelling of the gums, but in many cases it is so mild that Gingivitis can be totally unperceived by you.
Gingivitis is simply an inflammation of the gingivitis which is your gums. The symptoms are swollen, red, soft gums that bleed easily.
It is reversible, however, the treatment for gingivitis is absolutely crucial because the damage is permanent.
Causes of Gingivitis The main cause of Gingivitis is Plaque. Plaque, not the award given to someone, is an invisible, sticky film, composed primarily of bacteria, that forms on your teeth when starches and sugars in food interact with bacteria normally found in your mouth. When you brush your teeth, plaque is removed but will re-form quickly, usually in about a day. Now you know why your mom said brush your teeth everyday!
Simply put gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. Gingiva in dental terms are the gums of the mouth. "itis" is a suffix and when added to a name of a body part means inflammation of, for example, appendicitis which is inflammation of the apendix or tonsillitis which is inflammation of the tonsils. The list goees on and on of things that can be inflammed.
Treating Gingivitis
In order to treat gingivitis, a dentist or dental hygienist must thoroughly clean both the gums and the teeth. The process generally is not painful and the inflammation usually disappears after one or two weeks if the patient maintains proper oral hygiene care following the cleaning. This includes brushing, flossing, and using an anti-bacterial rinse or mouthwash.
Gingivitis treatment is very effective if the disease is caught in time. The most effective gingivitis treatment or gum disease treatment is to prevent gingivitis and gum disease from getting started. Gingivitis treatment begins with regular daily brushing of the teeth to remove plague and tartar. Scraping of the tongue is also important to remove bacteria. Many people overlook these important parts of oral hygiene, but they are essential for gingivitis treatment.
People with even mild gingivitis, therefore, are searching for a cure. And, though gingivitis is something that you'll always have to keep on top of, you can certainly get it under control and eliminate your symptoms. Your mouth can be healthier than it has been in years. And, luckily, the steps to treating gingivitis are pretty simple.
get rid of gingivitis;
1. CoQ10 - This is a supplement that you can easily get that is an antioxidant so prevents free radicals from building up in your body including your mouth.
2. Folic Acid - This is highly effective against gum disease. You can find it in pill form.
3. Vitamins C & E - These are both helpful in supporting your dental health
4. Neem - There are natural toothpastes in the marketplace now with neem as one of the ingredients and this is an excellent foe against gingivitis as it has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Gingivitis can be an annoying and painful dental problem. It's extremely common, and many people never succeed in completely getting rid of gingivitis. When gingivitis gets out of control, it can lead to serious periodontal disease, and even tooth loss.
symptoms of gingivitis are as follows:
1-Bad mouth taste.
2-Foul breath.
3-Mouth sores
4-Change in the color from healthy pink to bright-red, or purple gums.
5-Shiny look to gum.
6-Gums that are painless, except when touched.
Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of Gingivitis, because when plaque stays on your teeth for more than a few days it turns into tartar. Tartar then starts to build up next to your gums, and causes irritation and can lead to Gingivitis. The worst thing about tartar is that it can not be removed by brushing and flossing alone.
Before I talk about green tea as a home remedy for gingivitis, you need to know first what gingivitis is and what causes it.
Gingivitis, quite simply, is a non-serious form of gum disease. It is mild, or non-serious in its early stages but can lead to more serious periodontal disease. Gingivitis has been known to cause swelling of the gums, but in many cases it is so mild that Gingivitis can be totally unperceived by you.