Sciatica Causes Pain for Millions - "What Is the Treatment for Sciatica?" Every One of The
For each of these people, the causes can be different - ranging from injuries as serious as herniated discs, to as simple as strain due to over use.
Regardless of why people suffer from sciatica, the end result is the same.
Miserable, aching, often throbbing pain that can result in numbness and tingling, which takes over one side of the body from the buttocks all the way down to the toes.
For many sciatica sufferers, the question becomes, what is the treatment for sciatica? Diagnosis is one thing, but all most people really want is a cure! And fast! Exercise as Treatment for Sciatica Truth is there are many different treatments for sciatica, many of which depend upon the reason for your nerve inflammation in the first place.
Most often, physicians will advise people with sciatica to engage in some sort of exercise and stretching program designed to help release the pinched nerve, lessening the pain.
Since these exercises depend upon the large muscles of the back, core and hips to hold the spine in align, you may also be given core-strengthening exercises to do along with your stretches.
For people who have frequent bouts of sciatica, these exercises should be part of a routine maintenance plan for avoiding sciatic nerve flare-ups.
Sciatica can also be caused by exercises, such as running.
Those who seem to have constant bouts of sciatic pain, as a result of over use or even misuse of the body due to exercise should alter their normal exercise routines for as much as 4 weeks to see if it brings any relief.
Additionally, engaging in activities that are low impact on the spine, such as swimming - may be a useful replacement in the long term.
It is particularly important for people who run, and who suffer from sciatica to make sure that they are wearing proper shoes, and using proper technique when they run.
Spinal Care for Treatment of Sciatica Chiropractic care, as well as acupuncture are also viable options in the treatment for sciatica.
Since the sciatic nerve is so large and runs almost the full length of the body, these modalities of care can help to pinpoint the exact location where the nerve is pinched or inflamed.
With proper chiropractic care that results in proper spinal alignment, the nerve can be released.
When nerve disturbance along the spine, referred to as sublaxation - is healed, inflammation of the surrounding muscles and nerves is reduced along with the pain.
Acupuncture and acupressure done by a trained professional, can help in many of the same ways.
With both of these treatments for sciatica, it is recommended that individuals use rotating compresses of ice and heat to help reduce the inflammation - especially within 24 hours of treatment.
Many physicians also recommend that patients suffering from sciatica commence a series of physical therapy sessions which can help to strengthen and heal other components of the spine that may be leading to the sciatica.
Generally speaking, physical therapy helps to correct other nerve and spinal problems of which sciatica is a symptom.
The last treatment option that people want to consider is surgical intervention.
For the majority of sufferers, sciatic pain can be reduced by following a stretching and exercise program combined with spinal care.
On average, it takes around 2-4 weeks for the inflammation of the sciatic nerve to be decreased enough to get symptomatic relief from the pain.