A Glass of Wine and Its Health Benefits
Things were usually made worse in numerous social implications; but in countries like France, Italy, Spain and the other countries on the Mediterranean wine has been part of their culture for centuries.
Wine has become an important part of their cultures and considered almost necessary to have it at every meal.
Then scientists started to closely examine wine to learn how it affected health.
The research began on a very small scale and grew from that point.
Then the French Paradox was announced.
From that point on, the research grew at an amazing rate until almost every country on earth was involved in some form of wine investigation.
A team of researchers from Harvard University published a report detailing the eight best things to do to fight or prevent heart disease.
But this shocked some people to find wine consumption or alcohol was on the list of how to prevent heart disease.
The shocking information the researchers were telling the world was that moderate intake of alcohol does improve cardiovascular health.
It must be realized the key to successfully improving cardiac health is the MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL.
You will not help yourself if you have to drink a bottle of wine or a case of beer a day.
That type of behavior will not help you improve your heart health.
The Harvard Researchers did not specify exactly what alcoholic beverages they meant.
Other scientific studies that followed defined the most effective alcoholic beverage as red wine.
They also pointed out that red wine gives the consumer the greatest benefit.
Additional studies made its clear that red wine is the most beneficial and healthy form of alcohol.
Cardioprotective properties are considered due mostly to the antioxidants found in the grape skin and seeds of the various red grapes used to produce the red wine.
Pinot Noir is considered the best red wine as it usually has the most resveratrol and that is what gives the wine its healthy attribute.
Antioxidants are the major contributors to improving heart health.
First, they reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Second, they build up the high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol, and lastly, they reduce blood-clotting.
Reducing blood clotting has a very positive effect because it lessens the chances of a stroke.
Another benefit of a glass of wine with a meal is that it can increase a person's lipids and that is a very good thing.
Red wine's benefits go beyond contributing to cardiovascular health.
When the research became serious, it was discovered that there were a number of flavonoids in the grape skin and seeds.
It took several years from the time resveratrol was first discovered before the research grew to today's intensity.
Animal studies with mice found resveratrol improved cardiac function and gene activity related to aging, and it also revealed that low doses of resveratrol can retard certain aspects of the ageing process.
The research went on to show its effect was stronger on the heart than in the brain and muscles.
But it did stop some age-related changes in other tissues in the human body.
Caloric restriction has also brought about an important discovery as resveratrol stimulates the sirtuin gene in much of the same manner as it would if the body was experiencing caloric restriction.
But, the tissues do not suffer any loss of nutrition.
This retards ageing and acts to extend life in a number of life forms.
Scientific data from other studies has shown that animals on a diet where the caloric-intake is greatly reduced have also lived longer lives than animals with normal diets.
Here is a short list of how resveratrol works to overcome the deadly diseases: 1.
Fights Cancer 2.
Inhibits the growth of tumors 3.
Promotes formation of nerve cells 4.
Treats Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease 5.
Heart Disease 6.
Stroke Risk 7.
Effect of Radiation on the body 8.
Cellular Level dysfunction 9.
Free Radicals & Dangerous Toxins And it increases 10.
Metabolic Rate for Fat Burning for weight loss 11.
Fights Neuroblastoma Cancer 12.
Fights Prostrate Cancer In closing, I have to say that red wine has many health benefits, but a person can not drink enough wine to make them healthy and overcome the major diseases.
If a person wants a strong program of health support, they will have to work to learn as much as they can about resveratrol as a supplement and limit their consumption of red wine to a single glass of wine per day.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a Doctor and do not give medical advice; this is a news report and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional.