5 More Quick Ways To Lose Weight... The Healthy Way
Keep a food journal.
Once you start to write down everything you eat, it's amazing what you discover.
Be disciplined about this and record everything.
It's quite possible you haven't even realized how much junk you're eating throughout the day.
It can also help you to identify times of the day when you're hungriest, so that you can plan to have a healthy, nutritious snack or meal ready at the time, to stop you reaching for a donut.
Change your milk.
It you're currently using whole milk, switch to skim milk.
If you really can't handle the flavor, then at least drop down a level or two in fat content.
So instead of whole milk, use two percent.
Exercise! This is a great way to lose weight and feel so much better, and it's really good for you, too.
The important thing is to make sure you drink plenty of water while you're exercising (NOT sports drinks) and don't ruin your efforts by eating a lot more afterwards or grabbing a snack.
Eat breakfast.
Yes, I know, mornings can be one big rush, and if you want to lose weight, well, it's one less meal you've eaten, right? Well, actually that's not the case.
Eating breakfast is a great way to get your metabolism started in the morning, which means your body starts using up more energy and calories.
Skipping breakfast also makes it easier to grab a muffin mid morning because you're hungry, or to overeat at lunch.
Have fixed meal times.
Again, with our busy lives this can seem difficult, but it's really important.
If your body has a set routine for when meals will arrive, your metabolism will be ready and waiting.
By constantly changing the times when you eat, your body can't react as quickly to the arrival of food.
It might also mean that if you're running late for a meal, you're tempted to grab a snack because you're so hungry.
We can all get in such a big hurry to get the weight off when we finally decide to get serious about it - can't we? I am totally that way! But you may need to be patient.
Every person's body reacts differently to new routines that include a healthy diet and exercise.
Your body just might try to hold on a little tight to those fat cells you are trying to shrink.
But listen closely to what I am saying (lean toward your computer screen)...
with consistent effort to your new habits the weight will come off - I promise.
So if you're serious about reducing your weight, start with the tips listed above, concentrate on eating a balanced, healthy diet, and keep up the exercise.