Chickweed Used For Itchy, Burning Rashes and Much More!
Fortunately for us, chickweed is a very common wayside weed that is readily available to many people.
And this is extremely lucky since chickweed is one of the best herbs for soothing itchy, burning rashes.
Chickweed contains saponins, which exert powerful anti-inflammatory properties, like those of cortisone, but without the harmful side effects of cortisone.
This soothing ability of chickweed makes it extremely valuable in treating rashes.
Chickweed is frequently used clinically when there is any sign of rash or redness on the skin, especially if there is itching involved.
Usually, a chickweed oil, salve or cream is used for skin problems, including rashes, eczema and psoriasis.
But chickweed herb is used for many other purposes.
It is used to treat blood toxicity, fevers, sore throats and lung problems, inflammation and other diseases where there is too much heat, for boils, abscesses, for weight reduction, and as a mild diuretic and laxative.
Chickweed cream should be applied generously several times a day.
Alternatively, macerate the whole herb in olive oil for four days, squeeze through a cloth, and apply.
A strong infusion of the fresh plant can also be added to bath water to ease itching.
To make Chickweed tea, infuse two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water and drink a cup three times a day.
The dose of Chickweed liquid extract is 1 - 5 mL, three times a day.
The Chickweed herb has no side effects, drug interactions or contraindications, including while pregnant or breast feeding.
Botanical Name: Stellaria media.
And this is extremely lucky since chickweed is one of the best herbs for soothing itchy, burning rashes.
Chickweed contains saponins, which exert powerful anti-inflammatory properties, like those of cortisone, but without the harmful side effects of cortisone.
This soothing ability of chickweed makes it extremely valuable in treating rashes.
Chickweed is frequently used clinically when there is any sign of rash or redness on the skin, especially if there is itching involved.
Usually, a chickweed oil, salve or cream is used for skin problems, including rashes, eczema and psoriasis.
But chickweed herb is used for many other purposes.
It is used to treat blood toxicity, fevers, sore throats and lung problems, inflammation and other diseases where there is too much heat, for boils, abscesses, for weight reduction, and as a mild diuretic and laxative.
Chickweed cream should be applied generously several times a day.
Alternatively, macerate the whole herb in olive oil for four days, squeeze through a cloth, and apply.
A strong infusion of the fresh plant can also be added to bath water to ease itching.
To make Chickweed tea, infuse two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water and drink a cup three times a day.
The dose of Chickweed liquid extract is 1 - 5 mL, three times a day.
The Chickweed herb has no side effects, drug interactions or contraindications, including while pregnant or breast feeding.
Botanical Name: Stellaria media.