Creating Passive Income For Yourself - Real Time Steps to Success
Between blogging, article writing, internet radio and Squidoo you have all the ingredients you need to be successful.
When all of these tools are connected to each other, you've created a real foundation for yourself on the internet.
The easiest piece for me to start with was the internet radio.
When I first started I wasn't using it as a business tool.
So I just had fun talking about what mattered to me.
A nice size audience started to grow.
Once I learned how to use it as a marketing tool It became easier & easier to provide valuable & helpful content that would appeal to more people.
In late 2008 I started an official hosted blog.
I thought blogging with a purpose was the hardest thing to do.
But once I saw how it fit in and ties everything you write together I started to get into a flow.
Once a week I pick a certain topic & make several entries about it throughout the week.
Just about each entry points to one of my other tools where people can find some more good stuff.
But the blog is still new & has very little traffic.
So that made me take the fearless leap to the next tool.
To be honest I was totally scared of article writing until very recently.
I can talk continuously for about 2 hours but the idea of coming up with 300 to 400 words for an article just paralyzed me.
Now I realize that I can get my articles read & distributed around the world 24 hours a day.
So articles are a very important piece to any strategy for building an online business.
Some experts say its good to write an article per day.
Now there's a worthwhile goal to strive for.
I've saved my favorite for last.
Squidoo is the easiest way to make a page (called a lens) online.
Of course you will have to put time into making it a good one.
But Squidoo enables you to create a lens promoting whatever you want the world to see.
Its free, its indexed by Google and if the aim is creating passive income for yourself there are people (lensmasters) who have it down to a science.
If the lens is really good someone may even buy it from you.
Plus where else can you aspire to become a giant squid!