A plant with the name pictus would likely be a great choice for a specimen in the garden. Pictus is Latin for "painted", so these plants will feature bright colors. Other forms include picta and pictum.
Examples of trees and shrubs with a form of pictus in the name:
A plant with the name pictus would likely be a great choice for a specimen in the garden. Pictus is Latin for "painted", so these plants will feature bright colors. Other forms include picta and pictum.
Examples of trees and shrubs with a form of pictus in the name:
- Abutilon pictum (Flowering maple)
- Acer pictum (Painted maple)
- Breynia disticha 'Roseo-picta' (Hawaiian Snowbush)
- Kalopanax pictus (Castor aralia)
- Kerria japonica ‘picta’ (Japanese Variegated Kerria)
- Myoporum pictum (Bazrroii)