Your Kids Are Your Own Fault - A Guide For Raising Responsible, Productive Adults by Larry Winget
I don't wear the flashy colored shirts like he does, I don't have earrings, and I do have hair.
Well, looks can be deceiving, because we sure think a lot a like.
I didn't really know anything about Winget until last summer when I checked out one of his books from the library.
I agreed with a lot of it and ended up purchasing a few others.
When I learned he had one coming out on raising kids, I looked forward to it.
Now, after reading it, I agree with Winget that this is his most important book.
"Your Kids Are Your Own Fault: A Guide For Raising Responsible, Productive Adults" by Larry Winget should be read by anyone and everyone raising kids.
Yes, I believe that! Is it because Winget is the be all and end all of parenting advice? Heck no! He'd be the first to agree with me on that.
It's because he raises so many important issues in this book that need to be addressed and he provides common sense advice for dealing with these topics.
I firmly believe all parents should study being better parents and learn all they can regarding raising their children.
My wife and I are far from perfect parents, but we try.
We go to parenting classes offered in town and we read various books on parenting.
We continue to do so, and that's why I wanted to read "Your Kids Are Your Own Fault.
" Anything that can help me be a better father is worth the time to me.
So what's so good about this book? A lot! In his direct no-nonsense style, Winget first lays out what he believes is wrong with many kids today.
Having seen kids at the mall and local YMCA that have no respect for the facility, equipment, and others; having seen overweight kids stuffing their faces at fast food joints; and having seen many of the statistics Winget provides to illustrate the problems, I agree with him.
It's a problem! I hope this book wakes some people up to these alarming trends in today's youth.
Winget then goes on to describe his five basics of parenting: Communication, Involvement, Education, Discipline, and Punishment.
Hard to argue those are not extremely important and he provides some good advice regarding all five.
The third section of the book focuses on what Winget believes should be taught to kids.
In this section he has short chapters about a lot of important topics such as: Money, Sex, Relationships, Health, Appearance, School, Technology, Cars, Honesty, Integrity, Lying, Religion, Finding Purpose, and Succeeding.
He offers straight-forward advice on what to teach kids about these subjects and why.
Now you might not agree with everything he advises, and that's okay.
There are a few places where I certainly differ in opinion.
You should too! You need to think for yourself and use the book as a guide, not a bible.
Winget himself acknowledges some of what he writes will make people mad and some won't agree with him on things, and that's okay with him.
But do him and me both a favor.
Read what he wrote with an open mind and then take those areas that can help you be a better parent and apply it to your own parenting.
I'll bet you'll find a lot here that is helpful.
Throughout the book Winget asks questions and provides a few lines for you to answer them.
Even if you don't write out the answers in the book, these questions are worth taking a moment or two and answering.
Thinking about your answers to these topics and then applying what you think about can help you be a better parent.
Love him or hate him, you can't deny that Winget loves his kids unconditionally and wants all parents to do the same.
He believes this is his most important book because he believes kids are our future and it is a parent's responsibility to raise kids to be responsible, productive adults.
I agree with him and recommend this book wholeheartedly to all parents and anyone else who influences the lives of children.