How To Treat Depression - What Are My Options?
Next to anxiety, depression is the most common mental health disorder impacting an estimated 125 million people worldwide. With these number increasing on an annual basis it is no wonder that the search for ways to treat depression is on the rise as well.
Depression more than any other mental disorder has eluded researchers with no firm answers confirming the cause. Sure there are theories with perhaps the most viable being an imbalance in neurotransmitter activity but no firm evidence to confirm this theory. And by the way this theory is the basis for most prescription medication currently used to treat depression.
To treat depression an effective treatment plan must first find a way to relieve the symptoms; second return the patient to a state of mental health that allows them to once again function socially and in the work place as they had in past years; and to do everything possible to prevent recurrence.
Currently the most commonly prescribed form of medication to treat depression are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI's. This form of medication has been around for over 20 years now and continues to gain popularity with physicians for two reasons: the first is that SSRI's tend to have less side effects than other antidepressants and the risk of overdose are not as great. They work by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. The six most commonly prescribed SSRI's are Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Luvox, Paxil and the original selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Prozac. These are serious drugs which can in some cases promote suicidal tendencies so if this is ultimately the way you choose to treat depression work closely with your doctor to make sure things are going as planned.
SSRI's tend to interact poorly with other medications which opens the door for other non-prescription treatments to be used to treat depression. Foremost amongst these is psychotherapy. This form of treatment tends to help patients learn to tends to help depression sufferers isolate the cause and ultimately find ways to cope. If successful psychotherapies such as interpersonal therapies, behavioral therapy, or cognitive therapy can produce long lasting results. The downside of psychotherapy is twofold: first it will take 6 to 8 weeks or longer to see results and secondly your success will be based on the quality of your relationship with your therapist and the degree of trust. Is psychotherapy is tried and not results are seen in 8 weeks your doctor will likely talk to you about prescription medications.
What Next? Certainly is you are suffering from depression finding help should be your number one priority. You will have a number of different options including conventional medications, psychotherapy, and natural remedies all of which approach depression in different ways; with each method having its benefits. While this may be true many people are choosing to give natural therapies a try, such as herbal remedies, due to their lack of side effects. Two of the more helpful herbal ingredients commonly used to overcome depression are St.John's wort and passionflower. Herbal remedies which are able to harness the power of St.John's wort and passionflower are a safe and effective way to treat depression and can be used both as a standalone treatment, or when called for, in combination with other non-prescription therapies for maximum impact.
Depression more than any other mental disorder has eluded researchers with no firm answers confirming the cause. Sure there are theories with perhaps the most viable being an imbalance in neurotransmitter activity but no firm evidence to confirm this theory. And by the way this theory is the basis for most prescription medication currently used to treat depression.
To treat depression an effective treatment plan must first find a way to relieve the symptoms; second return the patient to a state of mental health that allows them to once again function socially and in the work place as they had in past years; and to do everything possible to prevent recurrence.
Currently the most commonly prescribed form of medication to treat depression are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI's. This form of medication has been around for over 20 years now and continues to gain popularity with physicians for two reasons: the first is that SSRI's tend to have less side effects than other antidepressants and the risk of overdose are not as great. They work by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. The six most commonly prescribed SSRI's are Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Luvox, Paxil and the original selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Prozac. These are serious drugs which can in some cases promote suicidal tendencies so if this is ultimately the way you choose to treat depression work closely with your doctor to make sure things are going as planned.
SSRI's tend to interact poorly with other medications which opens the door for other non-prescription treatments to be used to treat depression. Foremost amongst these is psychotherapy. This form of treatment tends to help patients learn to tends to help depression sufferers isolate the cause and ultimately find ways to cope. If successful psychotherapies such as interpersonal therapies, behavioral therapy, or cognitive therapy can produce long lasting results. The downside of psychotherapy is twofold: first it will take 6 to 8 weeks or longer to see results and secondly your success will be based on the quality of your relationship with your therapist and the degree of trust. Is psychotherapy is tried and not results are seen in 8 weeks your doctor will likely talk to you about prescription medications.
What Next? Certainly is you are suffering from depression finding help should be your number one priority. You will have a number of different options including conventional medications, psychotherapy, and natural remedies all of which approach depression in different ways; with each method having its benefits. While this may be true many people are choosing to give natural therapies a try, such as herbal remedies, due to their lack of side effects. Two of the more helpful herbal ingredients commonly used to overcome depression are St.John's wort and passionflower. Herbal remedies which are able to harness the power of St.John's wort and passionflower are a safe and effective way to treat depression and can be used both as a standalone treatment, or when called for, in combination with other non-prescription therapies for maximum impact.