How Austin Mahone Became Famous
Austin Mahone was born on April 4th, 1996 and grew up in the state of Texas with his mother Michele. They lived in a few different towns in the state including La Vernia, San Antonio and Seguin. His father passed away soon after his first birthday. Austin attended Lady Bird Johnson High School for a brief time period shortly after his mother got a divorce from her second husband, but then was pulled out due to his singing career and dealing with harassment from other kids. He did continue to get an education through home-schooling. In order to continue his career, both himself and his mother moved to Florida.
Austin Mahone got started roughly two years ago with his best friend, Alex. They began by posting music videos on the popular video sharing site YouTube. Soon enough, he started growing in subscribers and the number of views had just skyrocketed. It's easy to compare him to Justin Bieber due to his style and also how fast he is growing.
He actually gained fame primarily because he posted a cover of Bieber's famous song "Mistletoe" in October, 2011. Austin did a really great job promoting the video he created to his community on Facebook and Twitter, which helped him grow and share himself.
Mahone was the youngest person to appear on the Billboard Social 50 chart in September of 2011, which is a combination of both sales and an overall web presence without having an official record deal. He ranked at number 38, beating some really big names like J.Lo, 50 cents and even Beyonce.
Out of 1300 applications, he selected 50 random fans that he did a meet and greet with in Tampa. As of recently, he has almost 700k Twitter followers and about half of that in Youtube subscribers. Most of his fan base consists of teenage girls who have been affectionately termed as "Mahomies." He still focuses mainly on singing covers of other well-established songs until he gets his career off the ground. His only actual single is "Subway Song" and is, you guessed it, about the famous Subway restaurant.
Currently his family is supporting him and helping him create a solid plan in order to facilitate growth in his career and hopefully explode to stardom within the next year. Right now he is balancing building his popularity on the Internet and being a teenage boy. If things progress the way they have been for the past year, it's likely he might just be the next Justin Bieber.