Barefoot Running: Better for Your Back?
The idea of running barefoot is still fairly controversial, however. The actual science from this type of running is based on an understanding of the mechanics of running as well as an understanding of the musculoskeletal system. While the evidence supporting this type of running is not crystal clear, it has proven beneficial for many runners, reducing the number of chiropractic treatments and injuries that they experience. If you are considering beginning to run barefoot, take time to consider the following factors:
Shoes Make You Run Differently
When you wear shoes you will tend to strike further back on your foot and lengthen your stride. This can provide a strike on the heel that may be painful if barefoot. Additionally, when you wear shoes you will tend to lean forward. Barefoot runners will strike midfoot or forefoot and run in a more upright position, which provides for less chance of an injury.
The differences will provide for alternative impacts and stresses in various parts of your body. When you strike harder on your heel, it will result in an impact that will travel upward through your bones. However, a lower impact on the forefoot will move through the runner's soft tissue and muscles.
The fact is that most people have worn shoes from an early age, which means that their bodies have been adapted to it. When you wear shoes your body will move differently in order to respond to the impact that is felt and then weaken and strengthen different parts of your body over a period of time. If you run barefoot, you will likely have stronger calves and feet than others who run with shoes on.
If you have considered switching to barefoot running, it is important to think through all the risks associated with the change. While your body is able to adapt, you should take steps to ensure that you do not increase the risk of injury. You should understand that it will take time to adjust to running barefoot and you should make this change gradually and listen to how your body responds to the change.
The fact is that there are many people who have made an entire change to a barefoot lifestyle. Most chiropractors are in support of this change due to the fact that it prevents the wearing of shoes that can cause substantial problems with your back and spine, such as heels. If you do opt to wear shoes, you should ensure that they do not have any sort of heel as this will lead to spinal and back injuries.
If you have pain from wearing shoes, you should seek the advice of a chiropractor prior to making the switch. This will ensure you can correct any current damage prior to making the switch to a barefoot lifestyle. While the verdict is still out about how beneficial shoes are or are not, there is no question that large heels or odd shoes can cause severe back and neck pain. In these cases a chiropractor can provide help for the current pain and then offer a solution to help you keep it from coming back.
If you have any questions or concerns, you should discuss this with your chiropractor prior to making the switch to a barefoot running regimen.