Male Cat Urinary Blockage Surgery
If you have any doubt that your cat has a blockage a vet can check to see if his bladder is distended which could signal a problem.
It might not be an actual blockage but a urinary tract infection.
The symptoms are similar but with a blockage there is very little urine passed, if any.
With an infection, urine can be passed but the cat may try to void more often because of the pain which makes it seem that no urine is passed.
If the cat is not checked by the vet, toxins build up and death can result; look for signs of vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite.
Male cat surgery to correct UTI blockages is needed if crystals which form into bladder stones can not be passed by pressure or flushing the urethra.
On occasion the vet can apply pressure to the abdomen which will force the blockage out.
If this does not resolve the situation a catheter is placed in the urethral opening; this may push the crystal or stone back to the bladder where perhaps, with diet the stone can be dissolved, usually with diet or medication.
Cats that have had one blockage are prone to recurrent stones.
Blockages are mainly tied to male cats.
Why? Female cats have shorter and a wider urethra which passes crystals and stones much more easily.
If your male cat continues to experience blockages you may want to consider male cat surgery to correct UTI.
This is done by a procedure called perineal urethrostomy or PU.
To put it is laymen's terms a new urinary opening is constructed so that it is wider and much easier to eliminate obstructions.
Cats that are inclined to bladder stones also are more prone to develop urinary tract infections.
If you are considering male cat surgery to correct UTI to prevent blockages, remember that it does not prevent urinary tract infections if you cat is susceptible to them.
If you decide to have the procedure done, remember as with any male cat surgery to correct UTI, nerve damage can take place which could result in incontinence.
Fortunately this does not happen very often.
Post operative complications that can also occur is scarring which can narrow the newly created opening, this requires scar revision surgery.
After surgery make sure to use newspaper litter and not sand for ten days after surgery.
Clay and sand can disturb healing if it sticks to the incisions.
It is highly recommended that your cat have quarterly tests for urine cultures to make sure that your cat's urinary tract is in a healthy state.
Prevention is the best option for your cat.
For urinary tract health always have a fresh abundant water supply, using moist food instead of dry and using a homeopathic supplement.
Many times the diet, and a product that will soothe the bladder and controls the pH levels will be all that is needed to prevent expensive procedures and stress for your cat.
Products that contain uva ursi and cantharis have proven to work the best.
It might not be an actual blockage but a urinary tract infection.
The symptoms are similar but with a blockage there is very little urine passed, if any.
With an infection, urine can be passed but the cat may try to void more often because of the pain which makes it seem that no urine is passed.
If the cat is not checked by the vet, toxins build up and death can result; look for signs of vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite.
Male cat surgery to correct UTI blockages is needed if crystals which form into bladder stones can not be passed by pressure or flushing the urethra.
On occasion the vet can apply pressure to the abdomen which will force the blockage out.
If this does not resolve the situation a catheter is placed in the urethral opening; this may push the crystal or stone back to the bladder where perhaps, with diet the stone can be dissolved, usually with diet or medication.
Cats that have had one blockage are prone to recurrent stones.
Blockages are mainly tied to male cats.
Why? Female cats have shorter and a wider urethra which passes crystals and stones much more easily.
If your male cat continues to experience blockages you may want to consider male cat surgery to correct UTI.
This is done by a procedure called perineal urethrostomy or PU.
To put it is laymen's terms a new urinary opening is constructed so that it is wider and much easier to eliminate obstructions.
Cats that are inclined to bladder stones also are more prone to develop urinary tract infections.
If you are considering male cat surgery to correct UTI to prevent blockages, remember that it does not prevent urinary tract infections if you cat is susceptible to them.
If you decide to have the procedure done, remember as with any male cat surgery to correct UTI, nerve damage can take place which could result in incontinence.
Fortunately this does not happen very often.
Post operative complications that can also occur is scarring which can narrow the newly created opening, this requires scar revision surgery.
After surgery make sure to use newspaper litter and not sand for ten days after surgery.
Clay and sand can disturb healing if it sticks to the incisions.
It is highly recommended that your cat have quarterly tests for urine cultures to make sure that your cat's urinary tract is in a healthy state.
Prevention is the best option for your cat.
For urinary tract health always have a fresh abundant water supply, using moist food instead of dry and using a homeopathic supplement.
Many times the diet, and a product that will soothe the bladder and controls the pH levels will be all that is needed to prevent expensive procedures and stress for your cat.
Products that contain uva ursi and cantharis have proven to work the best.