Steps to Take to Reduce Blood Pressure
, I have high blood pressure.
Fortunately, we believe it was diagnosed early enough to prevent major organ damage, but that isn't always the case.
I'm very lucky in this regard.
Stage one high blood pressure starts at 140/99.
Mine at diagnosis was 178/123.
There are a lot of reasons your blood pressure may be high.
Finding them and mitigating them is part of the battle to bring it down, and in many cases, you may require medication to lower it until you can mitigate them.
You may be surprised at some of them.
1) Caffeine: Here's an experiment for you to try.
Take your blood pressure before you have any caffeine and then take it after consuming some.
You may be surprised at the results.
This supposedly safe stimulant can pack a punch in raising BP.
If you think you're safe because you only drink decaffeinated coffee, think again.
They've taken out half the caffeine, but the other half is still there and still potent.
2) Heredity: If one or both of your parents have it, you are likely to develop it.
It's one of the few things you can't change when trying prevent or get over the problem.
However, the information is important if you want to prevent organ damage.
Have yours taken every time you see your doctor.
You may also want to invest in a cuff set of your own for home monitoring.
3) Injury/Illness: The body's response to this sort of threat may include a raise in BP.
This is partly due to "fight or flight" reactions.
However, if the problem is caused by whiplash or other neck problems, it could be a different problem.
Some research shows that there is a communication of sorts between parts of the neck and the region of the brain associated with involuntary muscle activity.
4) Herbs and Medications: Some medications and herbs can create this problem and/or make them worse.
Medications for weight loss, NSAID pain relievers and cough/cold medications are high on the list of offenders.
Licorice and rosemary can also be culprits.
It's important to read the warning labels on medications in order to find out if they are likely to be a threat.
5) Obesity: If you are overweight at all, your pressure is going to be higher.
If you are obese, it will be even worse.
The more weight you lose, the better your numbers will be.
6) Stress: Who isn't stressed these days? The economy, our war efforts, job strains and various other things can really cause a problem in your life.
High blood pressure is just one of them.
Now that you may be able to figure out how many of these culprits are working in your life, it's time to find a solution.
Some of it is simple but not easy.
Here are a few suggestions: 1) Cut the caffeine.
Really, it's important in more ways than just your BP numbers.
It's hard on your heart and your brain.
If you drink a lot of it, back of slowly or you will have an enormous headache caused by the withdrawal.
Once you've stopped the addiction, you'll be surprised at how much better you feel and how it is so much easier to fall asleep at night.
2) Talk to your doctor about your medications.
Ask about using alternatives that won't cause the problem.
Do the same when you are considering using herbs or supplements.
3) Lose weight if you need to.
It's one of those simple but not easy answers.
There are a lot of ways to do it and do it safely.
You'll need to educate yourself about calories, diet and exercise plans.
If I can do it, I know you can.
4) Identify causes of stress and work around them.
You may not be able to eliminate them, as they may be people you know and love.
However, there are ways to work around those.
If there are things that stress you that you can eliminate, do so.
There are several methods I use to help reduce stress levels.
One is aromatherapy.
Your olfactory nerve is a shortcut straight to the brain, and I strongly believe that some scents can have an enormous impact on us.
For stress, use lavender or chamomile essential oils.
While you are enjoying these scents, you may want to have a cup of herbal tea.
I would recommend chamomile, jasmine, lavender and/or passionflower for this purpose.
All of them have relaxing properties.
Do be aware that they may make you drowsy.
If you aren't at home or can't use the above suggestions, I have also noticed that imaging can be helpful.
You'll want to choose a passage that is peaceful to you.
I use Psalm 23.
I see myself in the green pasture, I hear the still water and I smell the good food on the table.
I know that the Shepherd is there to guard me.
I've dropped my BP more than twenty points in ten minutes doing this.
High blood pressure is largely silent, but it doesn't have to kill you.
Work with your doctor and a qualified herbal and/or aromatherapy practitioner to set up a plan for getting your numbers in check.