Easy Credit Repair #2 - Get a Great Deal on Your New Car
Because of the hard economic times, especially in the auto industry, many people are finding great deals available with cheap prices, low interest rates and affordable financing.
There is something to keep in mind however that will save you thousands of dollars when you go to make your purchase.
Even though you are getting a great deal it does not hurt to save as much money as you can, especially when it is so easy to do so.
To save the maximum amount of money on a new car you need to do two simple things.
First you need to put as much money down on the loan as you can.
Many people would argue this and while it is true there are great deals on financing and some companies are even offering 0% interest for a year or longer, the more money you put down early, the less you have to pay for the car.
It does not matter what kind of deal you are offered, unless your dealership in Philadelphia is willing to offer you 100% financing at 0% interest for the entire term, you are going to pay more for the car than the purchase price so make sure you put as much money down on it as you can.
Finally you need to have a good score.
No matter what type of deal you are getting a bad score will cost you as much as $200 a month more, that adds up to over $10,000 more you have to pay by the time the car is yours.
If you have a bad score and you need to get it fixed up you can hire a credit repair company.
These companies are great because they work fast and are very affordable.
Credit repair is the most effective way to fix your score.