Using Debt Consolidation If You Are in Financial Deep Sneakers
Job losses, layoffs, escalating credit card interest rates, and tighter restrictions for financing options make it nearly impossible to make ends meet-and the bills are falling behind.
If you're in that situation, it's easy to feel frantic and distraught, wondering how you will ever get out of the financial hole you've dug for yourself.
If your financial circumstances or your credit score is less than perfect, chances are you also can't opt to refinance your home or qualify for a debt consolidation loan.
And as your payments fall behind, you begin to get harassed by collection calls, you watch your credit score deteriorate even further, and the situation only gets glummer.
It may feel like there is no way out, short of a miracle or winning the lottery.
But there is another option.
Debt consolidation doesn't have to mean refinancing your home or getting yet another loan.
You already have plenty of loan payments to make and you're having a hard time making them.
A debt consolidation LOAN would be like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
Instead, debt consolidation PROGRAMS offer a viable alternative, even for people who wouldn't qualify for a loan.
And they provide a way out that doesn't involve the stigma, expense, or long-term credit rating destruction of a bankruptcy.
Debt consolidation programs work on your behalf to contact your creditors, sometimes negotiating lower interest rates on your debts, which drastically reduces the overall amount you will pay to the creditor, especially with credit card companies, and helping to keep you in your creditor's good graces.
They may also be able to lower your payments or negotiate better terms.
In most cases, the amount of money you put out every month with this program is as much as 35% less than what you would be paying without the program, sometimes even more.
Instead of paying the credit card companies or other creditors directly, a program like this program groups your debts together under the best possible terms, and you make payments directly to the program.
The debt consolidation company, in turn, pays your creditors.
And they work with you to set payment terms you can afford, ideally even lowering your overall monthly payments.
Some programs are low cost or no cost, depending on what organization you work with.
Others may charge a fee, but it is almost always advantageous to you in the long term since the money you save in lower interest costs can offset any fees involved.
In addition, there are some strategies you can implement on your own to improve your credit rating and financial situation, and oftentimes debt consolidation programs can educate you about what to do and how to do it.
Life is too short to give in to despair, and it's too precious to waste stressing over your bills.
Debt consolidation programs are designed to give you the relief you need.
So why not investigate your options and start digging yourself out of that financial hole today? You don't have to endure another sleepless night of anxiety over financial worries.
Help is available.