Bleeding Problems In Labrador Retrievers
For some various reasons, abnormal bleeding could occur among Labrador Retrievers.
Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhage is a loss of blood from the circulatory system.
There are two types of bleeding: internal and external bleeding.
Internal bleeding is a condition wherein the blood leaks from the blood vessels inside the body whereas external bleeding is a loss of blood through a natural opening such as mouth, rectum or through a cut in the skin.
Below are the problems associated with bleeding disorders: Nasal bleeding Nasal bleeding or nose bleeding can be a sign of another disorder.
The causes of its occurrence could be your dog's environment such as pollution from smoking or poor air quality , an object in your dog's nose, a fungal problem, blood clot, bacterial infection or canine nose tumor.
Canine nose tumors usually affect dogs between two to ten years of age and breeds like Basset Hounds and Labrador Retrievers are at increased risk.
Skin or surface bleeding Skin or surface bleeding is common to Labrador Retrievers especially to those who are always out working.
Lacerations and wounds in any part of the body are the causes of this bleeding.
Most wounds cause minimal skin or surface bleeding but deep wounds especially in the neck area or in other areas where jugular vein is can cause severe bleeding.
Bleeding on feet and legs Most dogs often suffer from cuts or lacerations in the feet and legs more particularly the foot pads.
The foot pad is a very spongy tissue at the back of the foot.
This part is prone to cuts and lacerations when your dog step in broken glass or something sharp.
Foot pads tend to bleed a lot when cut.
Compression bandage, not just on the wound itself but around the whole foot is applied to treat the bleeding problem.
Vomiting blood Vomiting blood can be a sign of another disorder.
There are many diseases in which one of its symptoms is vomiting blood.
In some cases, vomiting blood may not be life-threatening but a profuse amount of blood thrown up and the presence of blood clots may indicate bleeding in the stomach.
Seek veterinary help immediately.
Blood in the stool Not all problems associated with bloody stools are severe emergency.
A bloody stool can be life-threatening if the stool becomes dark, foul-smelling blood and it is the only thing that is excreted from the rectum.
This condition may be hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
Excessive blood in the stool could not be home treated.
Seek veterinary help immediately.
Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhage is a loss of blood from the circulatory system.
There are two types of bleeding: internal and external bleeding.
Internal bleeding is a condition wherein the blood leaks from the blood vessels inside the body whereas external bleeding is a loss of blood through a natural opening such as mouth, rectum or through a cut in the skin.
Below are the problems associated with bleeding disorders: Nasal bleeding Nasal bleeding or nose bleeding can be a sign of another disorder.
The causes of its occurrence could be your dog's environment such as pollution from smoking or poor air quality , an object in your dog's nose, a fungal problem, blood clot, bacterial infection or canine nose tumor.
Canine nose tumors usually affect dogs between two to ten years of age and breeds like Basset Hounds and Labrador Retrievers are at increased risk.
Skin or surface bleeding Skin or surface bleeding is common to Labrador Retrievers especially to those who are always out working.
Lacerations and wounds in any part of the body are the causes of this bleeding.
Most wounds cause minimal skin or surface bleeding but deep wounds especially in the neck area or in other areas where jugular vein is can cause severe bleeding.
Bleeding on feet and legs Most dogs often suffer from cuts or lacerations in the feet and legs more particularly the foot pads.
The foot pad is a very spongy tissue at the back of the foot.
This part is prone to cuts and lacerations when your dog step in broken glass or something sharp.
Foot pads tend to bleed a lot when cut.
Compression bandage, not just on the wound itself but around the whole foot is applied to treat the bleeding problem.
Vomiting blood Vomiting blood can be a sign of another disorder.
There are many diseases in which one of its symptoms is vomiting blood.
In some cases, vomiting blood may not be life-threatening but a profuse amount of blood thrown up and the presence of blood clots may indicate bleeding in the stomach.
Seek veterinary help immediately.
Blood in the stool Not all problems associated with bloody stools are severe emergency.
A bloody stool can be life-threatening if the stool becomes dark, foul-smelling blood and it is the only thing that is excreted from the rectum.
This condition may be hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
Excessive blood in the stool could not be home treated.
Seek veterinary help immediately.