Open Up - Trust And Transparency
Open up Like a tulip Don't be so closed Cold and callous You're safe with me Be yourself simply No need to exaggerate Deviate and aggravate Torment and frustrate Be yourself please To me that's great! I think your fine Just the way you are No need to alter anything Celebrate and be yourself Forget being somebody else It's always OK to be you Exactly as God made you Created in His lovely image Marvelous and fantastic Outspoken and dynamic Sometimes thoughtful Other instances quiet Whatever way you are Be congruent and authentic Just boldly go with it Don't be apologetic Be free to be yourself Unlike anybody else That's what makes you fun Unique and interesting Different and exciting Captivating and mesmerizing Inviting and alluring Be true to your DNA Don't let fear get in the way Express what you want to say Do what you feel to do Let go and just be you It's way more fun too! Kick back and talk about it When you're mad shout it If you're sad, cry a bit Just don't agonize over it Accept yourself as you are Once you do you'll go far Be free from others opinions Take personal dominion Power and authority Over what you hear and see Speak to yourself wonderfully Encourage yourself deep within Don't swallow negative spin Refuse to allow defeat in Conclude you are a winner An overcomer and conqueror Capable of doing anything Now open up and sing Take your gifts and bring Them forth into the earth Open up and give birth To all your hopes and dreams Be fulfilled and totally free This is what opening up means.