Do Hydrangeas Need to Face North?
- Plant hydrangeas in early spring to protect them from summer heat, in sites that offer full drainage and at least 3 feet of growing space. Since hydrangeas are perennials and live for many years, your site must provide these conditions year-round.
- Always plant hydrangeas in sites that get partial sun, filtered sun or light shade, as these bushes burn and fade in too much bright sunshine. Choose the north side of a building for morning sun and afternoon shade, or any other moderately shaded spot in the garden. Don't plant hydrangeas in deep shade, as they do require at least three hours of sun exposure for full bloom.
- Hydrangeas like soil that is rich, dark, crumbly and quick to drain, and will rot and fail in poor soil. Dig a hole twice the width and depth of the hydrangea's root ball and mix the natural soil you removed with organic compost to fulfill these needs. End with a mixture that is at least 1/3 organic compost. Fill the hole halfway up with the amended soil and plant the hydrangea with its root ball just under the soil surface. Fill the hole with amended soil and pack it down to secure the plant. This rich nutrition makes shade growing easier on the plant.
- Water new hydrangeas with 1 gallon of water per plant to settle the soil, then put them on a schedule of 4 to 5 inches of water every week to maintain consistent soil moisture. Spread 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch in a 2-foot circle around each plant to maintain soil temperature and moisture, and feed the hydrangeas regularly to keep them happy. The University of Georgia recommends giving hydrangeas 8-8-8 or 10-10-10 fertilizer in March, May and July to encourage growth, blooming and budding.