How to Cast Love Spells for Free
- 1). Dig a small hole in the earth by the light of a full moon
- 2). Pour the milk into the hole.
- 3). Light the artifact from your object of desire on fire and drop it in the hole.
- 4). Place the ashes from the artifact in the white handkerchief along with the silver ring.
- 5). Cover the hole with earth.
- 6). Pour the red wine over the earth. As you do so, recite this chant.
God of grace, God of love
Look down on me from up above
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring my lover to be mine
From now until the end of time
So let it be - 7). Dig up the ring on the night of the next full moon.
- 8). Wash the ring off in cold water.
- 9). Wear the ring. Your lover will be drawn to you the next time he or she is near.