What Attract Women - Six Easy Steps to Make a Woman Interested in You and Even Chase You
This is the complete guide.
Many guys are afraid to approach a woman especially if she works or study with them...
the work environment and the coworkers' create a negative atmosphere for approaching her and asking her out for a date.
The solution is to create an interest about you in the woman you want to approach.
Do this and the next thing you will be seeing is her looking at you from a distance, smiling at you...
giving you signs to ask her.
- The first thing you'll have to do is be interesting.
Have a life of your own, hang around with the guys at work.
When you have a meeting, voice daring opinions and be a challenge.
This will give her a clear view of your strong personality, and every woman is highly attracted to a strong personality.
- The second thing you need to do is be neat
she will never notice you, in fact if she does, she will be repelled by you.
To give a great image of yourself, dress nicely, my advice is to take a female friend with you shopping for new clothes, use great cologne, one that suits your skin tone.
If you have some weight issues, work out some few times a week; watch your diet and tan.
Always keep nails and hair short.
Pay attention to shoes and belt.
Stay away from staining your shirt with mustard and other substances.
Wash your teeth and floss every day.
- The third essential step is peacock
I'm not a big fan of peacocking, but I like it when it's subtle.
Don't go around wearing big high heels boot to attract the attention.
As an alternative, you can wear instead of a blue shirt a red one.
Try to wear some accessories like a special very attractive ring that has a story behind it, a belt which is strange and attractive.
Peacocking will serve as a mean to attract her attention towards you.
She will not be attracted to you, but she will find you interesting.
- The fourth thing to do is have the right body language
Don't smile too much, keep your eye contact sharp and focus.
Stand tall and don't ever lean while walking, only weak people do it.
Train your voice to become deep and strong.
Your body language should reflect your overall nature.
Don't try to be tall if you are not...
- The fifth thing to do is have people talk about you
Women love men that are already taken or who are popular among others.
To become popular among others, develop the ability of storytelling.
You must learn how to tell exiting stories to others.
Be funny around others; don't ever be boring to anyone.
- The sixth step you need to do is be rare
Be special to her, in other words, when she sees you, you are always having fun and being great.
Don't be predictable around her.