Understand the Importance of Friendship and Lead Kids to Extraordinary Wealth
Understanding the importance of friendship changes your child's life forever. As she learns the art and skill of making and keeping friends, she becomes wealthy beyond her wildest imagination.
I'll discuss financial abundance and how friendship making skills might improve your accumulation of wealth in another article. In this article, I'm concerned with a wealthy spirit, a sense that life is abundant, overflowing because you have a smorgasbord of friends who care about and value you.
These friends help you through the difficult challenges life offers each of us. Friends you trust help make difficulties bearable. Sometimes, they can even make you smile and help keep things in perspective.
John Hay once said: "Friends are the sunshine of life."
Kids naturally make friends. They're not self-conscious, they see other kids just as kids, not with shortcomings and lacks. Young kids learn the importance of friendship through trial and error.
As they age, your role as caregiver and one who empowers her heart, increases. Then, you can assist your kids in deepening their understanding with tips and gentle advice on what it takes to make and keep friends.
The sooner in life kids grasp the meaning of friendship, the sooner their hearts feel greater joy. Here are some questions to consider:
Do your kids have all the friends their heart yearns for?
Do they ever wonder how to make new friends?
Do they know anyone whose heart has cried at night because she's so lonely?
Do they ever imagine others could have such a hard time making and keeping friends?
Did anyone teach your kids how to make new friends or did it just come naturally?
Phew, enough questions for your kids. And just one for you.
Do you realize how your child understanding the importance of friendship changes her life forever?
Some people have no friends, other people have so many friends they can't keep up with them all or give each friend the amount of time they'd like to. Kids who understand the importance of friendship and can actually keep friends after making them, have a more fulfilling, gratifying life.
Even if your kids don't put into practice the principles involved in making and keeping friends until they're older, you're planting seeds for lifetime happiness and success.
So, what else can we add to your understanding the importance of friendship?
Friendship is important because it makes your life more meaningful and valuable.
Aristotle once said: "Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."
And from Saint Thomas Aquinas: "There is nothing more to be prized than true friendship."
Only the smallest number of people can live peacefully and contentedly without friends. The rest of us need friends like a fish needs water. Our spirits and hearts cry out for communion with like-minded folks.
We share our hearts and we both feel uplifted. We share our dreams, we share our sorrows and joys. But mostly, when we understand the importance of friendship, the true meaning of friendship, we share our lives with others we trust.
I've shared the importance of friendship for kids. You've taken the first step towards teaching your kids how to make friends, which makes them fabulously wealthy.
Visit the Author Box that follows to sign up for free resources on how to keep friends, so the <u>importance of friendship</u> sinks into your kid's beautiful heart and soul.
I'll discuss financial abundance and how friendship making skills might improve your accumulation of wealth in another article. In this article, I'm concerned with a wealthy spirit, a sense that life is abundant, overflowing because you have a smorgasbord of friends who care about and value you.
These friends help you through the difficult challenges life offers each of us. Friends you trust help make difficulties bearable. Sometimes, they can even make you smile and help keep things in perspective.
John Hay once said: "Friends are the sunshine of life."
Kids naturally make friends. They're not self-conscious, they see other kids just as kids, not with shortcomings and lacks. Young kids learn the importance of friendship through trial and error.
As they age, your role as caregiver and one who empowers her heart, increases. Then, you can assist your kids in deepening their understanding with tips and gentle advice on what it takes to make and keep friends.
The sooner in life kids grasp the meaning of friendship, the sooner their hearts feel greater joy. Here are some questions to consider:
Do your kids have all the friends their heart yearns for?
Do they ever wonder how to make new friends?
Do they know anyone whose heart has cried at night because she's so lonely?
Do they ever imagine others could have such a hard time making and keeping friends?
Did anyone teach your kids how to make new friends or did it just come naturally?
Phew, enough questions for your kids. And just one for you.
Do you realize how your child understanding the importance of friendship changes her life forever?
Some people have no friends, other people have so many friends they can't keep up with them all or give each friend the amount of time they'd like to. Kids who understand the importance of friendship and can actually keep friends after making them, have a more fulfilling, gratifying life.
Even if your kids don't put into practice the principles involved in making and keeping friends until they're older, you're planting seeds for lifetime happiness and success.
So, what else can we add to your understanding the importance of friendship?
Friendship is important because it makes your life more meaningful and valuable.
Aristotle once said: "Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."
And from Saint Thomas Aquinas: "There is nothing more to be prized than true friendship."
Only the smallest number of people can live peacefully and contentedly without friends. The rest of us need friends like a fish needs water. Our spirits and hearts cry out for communion with like-minded folks.
We share our hearts and we both feel uplifted. We share our dreams, we share our sorrows and joys. But mostly, when we understand the importance of friendship, the true meaning of friendship, we share our lives with others we trust.
I've shared the importance of friendship for kids. You've taken the first step towards teaching your kids how to make friends, which makes them fabulously wealthy.
Visit the Author Box that follows to sign up for free resources on how to keep friends, so the <u>importance of friendship</u> sinks into your kid's beautiful heart and soul.