The Mechanism of AC Heat Window Units
Summers are hotter, winters are colder, and the storms are becoming fiercer.
This apparent change in the climate calls for the use of appliances which were apparently considered just mere luxury in the old days.
With the climate change, the air conditioner is not anymore a luxury but a necessity.
It has been reported that in some cities which are experiencing the worst of the seasons, living without an air conditioner seems to be an impossible feat.
But thanks to this amazing appliance, you won't have to endure too much anymore.
An air conditioner is a device that is used to cool and control the humidity and purity of the air circulating in an enclosed space.
The air conditioner works two ways.
In the summer season where the heat seems to be burning, it acts as a cooling machine.
In the winter seasons, where the cold seems to be freezing, it acts the other way around as a heater.
This two way air conditioning system is really something that we cannot live without these days.
We need the cooling system in the summer and the heating system in the winter.
How does this work? It's actually quite simple.
For the window type of air conditioner, there are two essential heat exchangers.
These components, called the condenser and the evaporator, make the two way system possible.
The evaporator is located on the inside of the room while the condenser is the part exposed to the outside environment.
In the summer, the evaporator acts as a cooling machine.
The air that passes over it goes through the evaporator, cooled to the specified temperature, and released throughout the room making the inside surroundings cool.
The cool air circulates throughout the room and the cycle continues until the whole room is thoroughly cooled.
The heat absorbed by the evaporator from the warm air inside the room is passed to the condenser which releases the heat to the external environment.
In the winter, the mechanism works the other way around.
The air conditioner acts as a heat pump to warm up the room to a comfortable temperature.
For this to happen there must be a change in the position of the valve.
Their positions must be reversed.
The condenser acts as the evaporator and the evaporator acts as the condenser.
In this case, heat from outside the room is absorbed by the evaporator and passed to the condenser to be released inside the room.