Safe Cleaning Products
- Safe cleaning products are quickly replacing harsh household cleaners to lessen air and water pollution. These products are biodegradable to prevent damage to the water supply. Easily dissolved but effective in cleaning, safe cleaning products use all-natural ingredients that don't emit harsh fumes within the home.
Regular household cleansers can give off harmful fumes that can irritate the eyes and skin and can cause asthma and respiratory problems, especially in young children. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that roughly half of indoor air pollutants result from household cleaning products. Using safe cleaning products around the home would eliminate these harmful fumes from the air inside your home. - Safe cleaning products contain completely harmless cleaning agents that can be used to tackle the toughest cleaning jobs around the home. These products contain non-toxic, all natural ingredients such as lemon and baking soda that easily dissolve in water while never harming the water supply. Safe cleaning products aren't hazardous to the health of homeowners or pets.
- Some companies sell all-natural cleaning products designed for use in specific cleaning jobs. These products provide the same convenience as store-bought traditional cleaning products without the harsh chemicals. In addition, many of these companies use recycled packaging in an effort to reduce the impact on the environment (see Resources).
- Current consumer trends show many homeowners making their own safe cleaning products from everyday items around the home. The most effective, all-purpose cleaner for the home is white vinegar. White vinegar is a natural antibacterial cleaner that can be used on counters, toilets, sinks and floors. Diluted with water, a single $2 bottle of white vinegar can clean almost the entire home for less than the cost of one bottle of regular household cleaner.
Another effective all-natural, all-purpose cleaner is baking soda. This slightly abrasive product can clean countertops to remove stains and deodorizes laundry, too. Mix 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup white vinegar with a half-gallon of water and you've got an inexpensive and effective cleanser to use all over your home.
Lemons are great for cleaning garbage disposals, removing soap scum and stain removal. Borax is an all-natural deodorizer and cleanser that can be used for laundry. Soap flakes or bars can replace hard sudsy chemicals for cleaning toilets, sinks or showers. See the Resources for more recipes for making your own safe cleaning products. - Commercial cleaning products cost more than homemade household cleansers. Because part of the cost of regular household cleaners is in the packaging, you can save money by reusing spray bottles and containers. Adding less waste to landfills makes good sense from an environmental standpoint.
Purchasing commercial safe cleaning products requires vigilance on the part of the consumer. It's easy for a company to place an "environmentally friendly" label on a bottle to entice buyers to purchase their products. Do your research before you shop for recommendations on the highest quality safe cleaning products to use around your home.