Are You Struggling to Find a Healthy Muscle Building Program?
One without the other will not produce a healthy muscle building program, and can indeed be counter productive to the goal of muscle growth.
Because of this, one interested in muscle growth, must research the basics and understand the way muscles respond to different requests.
Once you have the foundation needed in weight lifting, you can then progress to the steps necessary to reach your desired goal of adding muscle mass in a healthy fashion.
Most all fitness minded individuals know that one must dedicate time to weight lifting if they wish to increase the mass of their muscles.
However, the approach you take will dictate the results you achieve.
Lifting light weights with multiple reps will not help you build mass, but will increase muscle endurance.
This is especially noted in those that run long distances.
For those looking for a healthy muscle building option, they need to lift heavy weights with fewer reps to obtain their desired results.
By working the muscle in an intense, short session, you stress the muscle causing slight damage.
This creates the cascade of repair by the body.
When this happens, the body will repair and increase the size of said muscle to protect it from the next workout.
A very import step comes next, rest.
You must give your body time to recuperate from the injury inflicted upon it.
If you refuse to rest, and continue to lift causing more injury, the muscle will weaken and eventually be broken down by the repeated injury.
Slight injury is necessary in building muscle, but without rest periods, the muscle can become severely injured and become counter productive to gaining mass.
To create a healthy muscle building environment for your muscles, you must give the body time to repair and lay down the necessary cells to help the muscle grow.
Finally, your diet.
In addition to rest for recuperation and rebuilding, your body relies on an intake high in indispensable nutrients.
A healthy muscle building routine includes a diet high in protein and carbohydrates.
Protein is composed of amino acids.
These elements are necessary in cell generation making them a necessary component to repairing and building muscle.
Carbohydrates are the required fuel needed to perform the repair and growth of muscles.
In tandem, the two are some of the most important nutrients in a good weight lifting program.
You must also prevent hunger by consuming multiple small meals throughout the day.
If you allow your body to become hungry, it will begin to break down its own muscle to use as fuel.
Leading to a situation that is counter productive to building muscle.