What Are the Causes of Ovarian Cysts and Can They Be Cured? A Natural Approach is the Key
In fact, they look like blisters and their sizes do vary from very small to the size of a mango.
There a many different types of ovarian cysts and most of them are benign and will require no treatment.
So, what exactly are the causes of ovarian cysts and how do they form? As you are probably aware, the ovaries are part of every female's reproductive system and they grow an egg each month.
It is during the ovulation that a lump or sac, which has the same consistence as a cyst begins to form inside the ovary.
Once the follicle breaks, an egg is released during the ovulation.
If pregnancy does not happen then the empty follicle will simply disappear.
It is during this process that most cysts begin to form and amongst them the most common one: the functional ovarian cyst.
There are many different cysts and these include dermoid, endometrioma as well as cystadenoma cysts.
When a cyst starts to form you may experience symptoms such as pain if the cyst is pressing on the lower abdomen.
The pain depends on the size of the lump and some women have also experienced painful and irregular periods as well as some pain during a sexual intercourse.
Of course, if you are experiencing these symptoms already you must consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis.
For those who have already been told that they are suffering from ovarian cysts and have not yet found any effective treatment maybe it is time to look beyond what the medical profession has to offer.
Indeed, in most cases a women suffering from this condition will be offered either surgery or hormonal therapy.
Both do work but they will not prevent further cysts from developing in the future.
Many women are now turning to a more sensible and holistic form of treatment.
Indeed, since the reason why you are getting cysts can often be linked to a poor diet, hormonal imbalance or inadequate lifestyle, you must target the root causes in order to free yourself from the condition.
Masking the symptoms is not the solution.
Most cysts come back after a few months and by adopting a different lifestyle as well as following a step-by-step method you can eradicate not only the causes of ovarian cysts but you can also make sure that they will not come back again.