Are You In A Poisonous Relationship? - 5 Ways To Find Out Right Now and What To Do About It
If your partner professes love, but you often feel that their actions tell you otherwise.
If your partner says they trust you, but regularly is caught reading your texts, e-mails and showing up at places unexpectedly to check up on you.
If your significant other forces you to rely on them to keep you under control.
If your partner asked you to change for them for no apparent reason.
These are the signs of poisonous people and they can make you feel sick much of the time you're around them.
So why do so many people end up in these kinds of poisonous relationships? Why would anyone be in love with a person who makes them feel un-trusted and unsafe? The answer seems to lie in the cycle of drama.
This drama plays out repeatedly and gives people a feeling of excitement.
Even though they know that it may not be good for them.
At first it is usually very exciting and romantic with the poisonous lover, but then it begins the cycle through fight and make up over and over.
Once the emotional bond is in place you may feel that you truly love this person even though you know that you're in a poisonous situation.
Friends and family will tell you that you're making a huge mistake, but you blindly move forward in the hopes of rekindling that same romance and excitement that you had in the beginning.
Many of the people that are in these types of poisonous relationships have come from homes with families with these traits.
This leads to a cycle of repetition in their own relationships.
Because of this people start to feel as if they don't deserve happiness and are lucky to have the person up there with.
These types of relationships can be extremely harmful to your mental and emotional well-being.
Many times this will lead to bouts of depression and self-loathing that require treatment.
Rarely, in these situations is it the fault of only one person, but typically the one with the truly poisonous personality controls the situations.
This is when you must realize that you have options and begin to stand up for yourself.
The poisonous partner will make you feel as if it's all your fault and you are the one that needs help.
In most cases it requires help for both of you.
For many people this is the point at which they turned therapy to try and help the relationships.
This rarely works as honesty is hard to come by with a poisonous partner At this point you may be able to break the cycle of poisonous relationships.
You may be able to even leave the relationship and find a healthier alternative with another partner.
But the real magic happens when people learn how to repair a poisonous relationship and keep the powerful bonds that are in place and letting go of the destructive parts.
With the correct ideas most relationships can be saved.
With the right kind of ideas the poison can be turned into the antidote and create a healthy relationship.
The very first step in this process is to be willing to walk away from the relationship if there is no way to salvage it in a healthy way.
Once you have come to the reality that you can walk away, you will be a place to begin reparation.
If your partner believes that this is the case it will be in their court to decide if they are willing to take the steps necessary to save the relationship.
This will put you in a position of power and allow you to begin sowing the seeds of reconciliation and relationship repair.
A healthy relationship is a two way street.
In a toxic relationship, the street is only going one way.
You have the power to change that, but you must take the power into your own hands.
By taking the power away from the poisonous partner you've taken the first step in relationship repair.
Don't abuse the power, but understand that it is this power that will enable you to stand up and face the problems which you have found yourself in.
This technique uses the forces of human nature to your advantage and people with insight into the uses of these techniques have shown massive potential in changing a poisonous relationship into a healthy one.
If you would like to find out more about the techniques of human nature you can find amazing information about courses and systems that use these techniques to repair relationships.