When You Eat Right To Feel Great, Is It Better?
Studies have been shown that the one who eats any kind of healthy foods are more prone to live a longer life than the one who have no diet at all or the one who just eat less optimal diet.
Optimal foods recommended by the US Department of agricultural were fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and meat alternatives as well as low fat dairy foods. These foods are part of the present rules and guidelines that is promulgated by the USDA.
Women had given food scores that were based on the number of chosen foods that were eaten at least once each week.
As you know vegetarians do not eat meat, fish nor poultry. A vegan diet clearly meets the USDA healthy food rules for these diets which are low in saturated fat, low in cholesterol, low fat and high fiber.
For heart healthy cooking, the foods should be sauteed in water instead of oil and only small amounts of olive oil or canola oil needs to be used.
You will soon discover that many of our so called healthy diets are nothing more than a joke on the heart. These being healthy for the heart is a farce, as they are certainly not good for the heart.
Whenever you start removing the cholesterol and fat, what happens? Absolutely you will be done with more carbohydrates.
Then the liver takes the excess carbohydrates and turns them right back into fat and cholesterol. There goes the heart health to none healthy.
During the last 20 to 25 years or longer most of these diets were touted as heart healthy, and were listed as low fat heart health diets, when in fact the diets were really the opposite.
According to the studies on healthy diets, after about five years elapsed time, the group eating the more healthy diet were more healthy than the others.
Their arteries were clearer and had better health than the others, who saw their artery disease get progressively worse.
In order to eat a healthy diet you should eat as many different types of foods as possible. You must remember that healthy diet consists in a diet of fruits, vegetables, bread, cereal with your intake of less fatty foods as well as sugary foods.