How to Remove Streaks From Stained Concrete
- 1). Perform a general cleaning of the surrounding area to remove any additional dust or debris. Use a standard broom and dustpan to remove the dirt.
- 2). Apply warm water and a mild soap or cleanser initially to see if that will remove the streaks. A mop works best for this. Scrub at the streaks with the mop head and then allow the concrete to dry.
- 3). Scrub at the streaks with a scouring powder and a metal brush. Allow the powder to sit for 24 hours before brushing at it. Rinse away any residue with warm water. This is especially effective with grease streaks.
- 4). Apply an oxidizing bleach cleaner to the streaks with a wet mop. Mix the cleaner with water in accordance with the cleaner's label instructions. This could discolor the surrounding concrete, so color test this first in an area that is out of the way and less visible.
- 5). Power wash the remaining streaks with a power washer. Power washers can be rented relatively cheaply from hardware stores. The combination of water pressure and high heat should help remove any remaining streaks.