DIY Gravel Path
- 1). Determine the desired length and width of your gravel path. Use line-marking spray paint to outline the borders of the path. Then, measure the path width-wise and lengthwise. Take these measurements with you when visiting your local rock, landscaping or hardware store to determine the amount of gravel you will need.
- 2). Remove the sod along the path with a weed eater or a sod cutter to a 4-inch depth. Use a steel rake to smooth out the bottom of the path, then tamp the soil down with a hand tamper to compact it.
- 3). Pour 2 1/2 inches of crushed stone pack onto the path. Rake the stone path until it is level. Spray the stone pack lightly with a garden hose, then pound the stone pack with a 6-inch square hand tamper to compact it.
- 4). Position a layer of landscape fabric, with the shiny side facing you, on top of the stone pack. Secure the fabric with spikes to keep it taut over the path and prevent bunching. Cut the fabric with a utility knife across the inside and outside edges of the curves of the gravel path. Overlap the fabric cuts over the inside edges where the path curves.
- 5). Install plastic or metal edging, at least 4 inches high, along the borders of the path. The plastic edging will keep the gravel confined to the path. Position a woodblock on top of the edging and tap the woodblock with a hammer to drive the edging through the fabric and into the ground. Pack soil around the side of the edging facing away from the path for added stability.
- 6). Shovel the gravel onto the path up to 1/2 inch from the top of the edging. Use the rake to level the gravel. Plant flowers, a creeping ground cover plant or sod around the path for some added greenery.