Compound Your Efforts In Your Internet Marketing Promotion.
The man gave them each a choice of $1m in cash or one penny. If they took the penny, his treasury director had instructions to double the contents of the purse every single day for thirty days.
The first son knew instantly what to do. He went to his father and asked for the penny.
The second lay awake all night thinking about it and by morning had made up his mind, He took the $1m, hired a team of financial experts and set them to work on the best investments and leveraging strategies. By week three they had formulated a plan of action.
Three weeks later the brothers met for the first time since making their decisions. The first son had amassed $655 while the second son had sent off his team of experts to make his million into billions. He felt very sorry for his brother who in his mind had made a dreadful mistake and was setting out with not enough money to sustain him.
However at the end of the month, having suffered a little on the stock market, the second son had actually made a slight loss net of his expenses. The first son on the other hand had on day thirty amasses more than five million!!
The boy that chose the penny had discovered the extraordinary power of compound Interest!
The lesson to be learnt is that by starting off with small steps and applying them consistently on a daily basis will produce amazing results. Putting off the first step costs us money every day we procrastinate. The longer we leave it the more it costs us and the longer it takes to achieve the same success.
Most of you have had pension advice in the past. We all know that the longer we leave it to start a pension, the more it costs. The same applies to your home business online opportunity. The longer we leave taking the first step the more it costs us in lost revenue in the long term.
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