How to Get Rid of Back Acne Scars
- 1). Remove minimal back acne with a basic chemical peel. Some acne only penetrates a few levels of skin and will not regenerate with successive growth of skin layers once removed. While it may take a number of peels to get it all cleared, if your back acne is minimal, this is certainly a low-cost option for removing your back acne scars.
- 2). Use Microdermabrasion or Dermabrasion to remove mid range back acne scars. In most cases it will take a number of treatments to smooth the skin, but it can be done effectively and for a moderate cost. Dermabrasion basically works like sanding your skin, taking away old and damaged skin and leaving smooth clean skin in its wake. Unlike chemical peels, this is a rubbing action as opposed to a chemically induced action that might affect you more negatively than at first you hoped.
- 3). Fire up the laser. The most effective way to remove scarring including back acne scarring is through laser skin resurfacing. The laser can easily pinpoint the spots on your back that need to be healed, and after just a few sessions, in all likelihood you will have a clean, healthy back on which there are no remnants of the back acne that causes many to lack self confidence. Laser treatments cost a fair bit, but for the self-conscious, there is hardly a better solution on the market.