Understanding Men Using The Rules Of Attraction - How to Get Him and Keep Him Forever!
Do you need help understanding men and the rules of attraction? You are not alone.
I was confused too until I discovered these 3 rules that helped me to understand men better.
It also helped me to attract and keep the man of my dreams! Rule #1: Men like to be with women who make him feel manly (like a hero) Have you been trying to prove to the world that you are just as strong and capable as a man? While your boss might find this trait valuable, it is a behavior that repels men and prevents them from having the desire to get to know you better.
It is natural for a man to want to feel masculine and strong.
It's inbuilt in him and he will fall for a woman who makes him feel consistently that way around her.
If you are the only woman in his life who makes him feel this way, he will treat you as someone very precious in his life.
Men need to feel needed.
If you are extremely capable he might feel that you don't need him and serves no function in your life.
What you can do is to show your vulnerable side to the man that you like and be very appreciative when he offers to help.
Smile and let him know he's a life-saver.
Treat him like a hero and watch his face light up! Rule #2: Men find women who love themselves irresistibly attractive The more you love yourself, the more relaxed men feel around you.
Nobody enjoys spending time with a person who needs constant reassurance.
You wouldn't find that attractive in a man, would you? Men don't either.
The way to love yourself more each day is to notice the special and good things about yourself.
Speak kindly to yourself and treat yourself as the most important person in the world (but don't overdo it).
Tell yourself how special and beautiful you are.
Women who love themselves are happy and easy to be with.
Men like that.
Men don't like to deal with complicated things like feelings and emotions.
So, the more emotionally stable you are, the more attractive you are to men.
Rule #3: Talking less makes you mysterious and alluring to men We all love a good mystery.
And the easiest way to become more mysterious is to keep quiet and listen more.
While it's good to express yourself, men can feel overwhelmed by women who talk too much.
He might think you're overly self-centered and are a poor listener.
Men will choose to be with a woman whom they can trust to listen to them in their time of need.
Men like the thrill of the hunt.
Let him feel victorious about discovering more about you by himself.
This is another way to make him feel good around you.
I was confused too until I discovered these 3 rules that helped me to understand men better.
It also helped me to attract and keep the man of my dreams! Rule #1: Men like to be with women who make him feel manly (like a hero) Have you been trying to prove to the world that you are just as strong and capable as a man? While your boss might find this trait valuable, it is a behavior that repels men and prevents them from having the desire to get to know you better.
It is natural for a man to want to feel masculine and strong.
It's inbuilt in him and he will fall for a woman who makes him feel consistently that way around her.
If you are the only woman in his life who makes him feel this way, he will treat you as someone very precious in his life.
Men need to feel needed.
If you are extremely capable he might feel that you don't need him and serves no function in your life.
What you can do is to show your vulnerable side to the man that you like and be very appreciative when he offers to help.
Smile and let him know he's a life-saver.
Treat him like a hero and watch his face light up! Rule #2: Men find women who love themselves irresistibly attractive The more you love yourself, the more relaxed men feel around you.
Nobody enjoys spending time with a person who needs constant reassurance.
You wouldn't find that attractive in a man, would you? Men don't either.
The way to love yourself more each day is to notice the special and good things about yourself.
Speak kindly to yourself and treat yourself as the most important person in the world (but don't overdo it).
Tell yourself how special and beautiful you are.
Women who love themselves are happy and easy to be with.
Men like that.
Men don't like to deal with complicated things like feelings and emotions.
So, the more emotionally stable you are, the more attractive you are to men.
Rule #3: Talking less makes you mysterious and alluring to men We all love a good mystery.
And the easiest way to become more mysterious is to keep quiet and listen more.
While it's good to express yourself, men can feel overwhelmed by women who talk too much.
He might think you're overly self-centered and are a poor listener.
Men will choose to be with a woman whom they can trust to listen to them in their time of need.
Men like the thrill of the hunt.
Let him feel victorious about discovering more about you by himself.
This is another way to make him feel good around you.