How to Troubleshoot an Amana ALW480DAW Washer that Doesn't Spin or Agitate
- 1). Verify the wash cycle that you are using when washing a load of clothes.
- 2). Observe the washer for about five minutes if it stops agitating. The agitation will stop when the motor overload protector has tripped, and should resume after it has reset.
- 3). Open and close the door to the washer. If the washer begins to agitate, the door was not completely closed.
- 4). Examine the drive belt to see if it is loose or broken, if the washer still does not agitate.
- 1). Insert a putty knife in between the service panel and the top panel, 3 inches from the left side.
- 2). Push on the putty knife and pull out on the top of the panel. Repeat this step on the right side.
- 3). Lift up on the panel and pull it off.
- 4). Find the drive belt that is on the drive pulley and the pump assembly. If the belt is loose or looks worn, it should be replaced.