The Ascended Masters - Master Hilarion
In so doing they have ascended to the higher spiritual planes where they move forward in spiritual evolution beyond that experienced within the confines of a physical consciousness.
Ascended Masters are the teachers of mankind who operate from the realms of the spiritual world.
They remain close to humanity and maintain an active watch over the world to inspire and motivate us in our spiritual evolution so that we also have the opportunity through their teachings and example to ascend.
The Ascended Masters are also known as The Masters of Ancient Wisdom and they work together to help mankind under the name of the Great White Brotherhood, also known as The Great Brotherhood of Light and The White Lodge.
Use of the word 'white' refers specifically to the colour of their aura and to their service of the light as opposed to their cosmic counterparts The Dark Brotherhood or forces of evil or darkness.
Master Hilarion is one of the Ascended Masters of The Great White Brotherhood and the name that he chooses to be known as has been taken from his very last incarnation know more popularly by Christianity as St.
During that life he took his last initiation and ascended.
Other well-known incarnations of this famous Master were as Plato, John the author of the Revelation, Iamblichus (the neo-platonic philosopher) and the Apostle St.
Since his last incarnation, Hilarion has taken his sixth initiation and is now one of the Lords (Chohan, which is the esoteric term for Lord or Master) of The Seven Rays of Planet Earth.
As well as being one of the Lords of The Seven Rays, Hilarion is more specifically The Lord of The Firth Ray, which is The Ray of technical and scientific advancement.
He is responsible for all technological progress on the planet Earth and he does so by mentally inspiring individuals who are receptive to that frequency or, individually and uniquely in the case of Maurice B.
Cooke through channeling which was only made possible because of Maurice B.
Cooke's formal scientific training and engineering background.
Thus, it was no coincidence that Hilarion was able to communicate once more throughout the latter part of the 20th Century as Mr.
Cooke was cerebrally attuned to the Fifth Ray as well as being clairvoyant, which together are highly rare and unique personal qualities for any human being to possess.
There have been other channelers of Hilarion in the latter part of the 20th Century and early decades of the 21st Century but none so prolific in their writing of Hilarion's words, messages and predictions for the future of mankind as Maurice B.
Cooke, a fact attested to by the prolific copying and plagiarism of his work online in recent years and the increasing demand for his books, seminars and research materials to be re-released, including some fascinating and as yet unpublished works.