Issues with Bed and Breakfast accommodation
Let's see some issues or you can say problems you may have to deal with bed and breakfast!
€ The venue or zone of course matter! This is I think most critical issue when you are planning to start your own bed and breakfast. Many times it happens that most of people start divan and lunch in their private homes or residential properties, well there is nothing wrong in it but some countries or states don't allow using private properties for commercial purpose. So if you are also planning to use your private property or residential plot then first you must go through the zoning rules and if they allow then you should ask for zone inspector to come and inspect your property and after getting permission from concern person, you can safely start it.
€ Networking will save you and your money! Networking means contacts dude. One of the major issues with bed and breakfast is how you establish contacts or links with suppliers of various stuffs needed for your divan and lunch. Many times owner of bed and breakfast don't feel to establish healthy relations with suppliers of hospitality industry and due to that one may have to face economical issues with bed and breakfast.
€ Issues with innkeeper hosts! Well, this is I think very common issue with bed and breakfast to handle the innkeepers. It is possible that they constantly observe the guests coming to your divan and lunch and may someday become competitor for you! Most of innkeepers always dreamed about owning a bed and breakfast so try to deal with such issues very softly.
€ License for liquor and much other stuff can be crucial sometime! The license of liquor is mandatory for bed and breakfast and owner should always renew the license by paying legal fees for that and one should also update himself about changes in license rules and fees as I found many times innkeepers forgot to inform about the renewal and may fined for the same as well. So try to avoid such issues as they are not so major compare to others so one can easily cop up with them.
€ Off street parking and loading also matters! Many times when dealing with newly developed bed and breakfast, it is possible they might not have followed rules and regulations for off street parking and loading so to avoid such issues kindly do follow the rules and regulations related to construction of bed and breakfast.
€ One more issue with bed and breakfast is compliance with regulatory agencies of your town or city. They ask for minimum criteria to be met in any bed and breakfast, due to this if you miss any of the listed one then it can create a issue for you.
€ Health regulations matter a lot! If you are planning to open a bed and breakfast, you may have get details about requirements for food, water, swimming pool, smoking etc from concern health department and one must get certified from them or else you may get punished while inspection from concern department as well. So to avoid such issue one must follow the requirements of food and all.
Apart from all these, you may also deal with tax and other legal issues with bed and breakfast! Hope this information makes you mind clear about bed and breakfast issues.
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