Bacterial Vaginitis Treatment
bacterial vaginosis, you are not alone.
Most women will contract it at one time.
Some will have a minor case and not even show the symptoms and some will have to seek a bacterial vaginitis treatment, because the symptoms are so bad.
Problem is, most doctors today don't know the real cause of bacterial vaginitis (or BV), they just know how to "treat" the symptoms.
And treat is the key word.
Doctors only know how to treat the symptoms: foul, fish-like odors, itchiness, burning, pain during intercourse and a thin, milky or gray discharge.
And when you only treat the symptoms, the infection WILL always come back.
Did you know that 75% of women who take prescribed antibiotics or creams have a relapse of BV?? The main reason doctors can only treat the symptoms and not CURE BV, is the simple fact that they do not know how it is caused.
No one can pin-point it, the only true and conclusive facts we know about bacterial vaginosis are why the symptoms occur.
This can lead us to a very successful bacterial vaginitis treatment.
Bacterial vaginosis begins when you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria inside your vagina (gardenella and other various organisms that coexist with the good bacteria).
This bacteria produces the discharge and smell as a bi-product, and other factors lead to the other very uncomfortable symptoms.
Trust me, I've definitely been where you are, BV is tough! Try not being intimate with your newly married hubby for weeks on end because of embarrassment?! The path to a successful bacterial vaginitis treatment begins with learning how to get your vagina's flora or "ecosystem" back into the natural swing of things.
This can be easily done by reducing the symptoms with natural methods and remedies you can do from home, and then increasing the numbers of good bacteria and organism inside your vagina (lactobacilli).
There are literally tons of ways to do both of these.
A few options for bacterial vaginitis treatment are: Yogurt (with live and active cultures) Goldenseal Femanol Apple-cider vinegar Garlic Vitamins and Supplements Stop Douching! Start Wearing Cotton Underwear There are so many options! Just do a little research.