The Best Exercises to Completely Tone Up a Saggy Behind
What is the best exercise to get a firmer, toned behind? I can't think of one woman I know that wouldn't want to know the answer to this question. I think I have spent much of my life answering this question, so I'm going to give you my favourite hip and behind exercise right now.
If your looking for a firm behind in a fancy machine or with the but blaster 3000, as seen on TV, you would be looking in the wrong place. Ill save you some money here, ask any professional trainers and they will tell you most of the best exercises are done using free weights or even without any weights at all. But I have a favourite exercise many of my female clients can thank for their results.
It is the single-legged Romanian Deadlift. This exercise is fantastic for toning both the behind and the back of the thighs. Also, because this is a Single-legged exercise, it really helps strengthen your ankles and other stabiliser muscles in your legs. Here's how to do it:
1. Looking straight ahead, stand and balance on one leg, and move the other leg out a little behind you.
2. Keep a very slight bend in the knee throughout this exercise.
3. Begin to bend forward while at the same time pushing the behind and hips back and maintaining a flat (not rounded) back.
4. When bending over and pushing the hips back, move your other leg out behind you and reach down with your hands towards the toe of your foot that's planted on the ground and try to touch it. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings as you get to the deepest part where your back is parallel to the floor.
5. Then, focus on squeezing the behind muscle hard while you reverse the exercise and bring yourself back to upright (all the while maintaining that flat back)
Alright, that was one repetition! Now do 5-10 reps with each leg for 2-3 sets mixing this exercise into one of your normal sessions (or even just try this in your lounge room). At the end of a couple sets, You'll be feeling this big-time in your behind and the back of your thighs!
I know it may sound a little complicated, and the first time you try this behind exercise, you may really need to concentrate on your balance. But after a couple sessions of practicing these one-legged Romanian deadlifts, you'll start to get the hang of them and be able to focus more concentration on keeping the behind tight throughout the range of motion.
When you get used to this exercise and do it regularly, you should already be noticing a tighter, hotter behind! For more ways to tone not only your behind and thighs but also the rest of your body check out the link below
If your looking for a firm behind in a fancy machine or with the but blaster 3000, as seen on TV, you would be looking in the wrong place. Ill save you some money here, ask any professional trainers and they will tell you most of the best exercises are done using free weights or even without any weights at all. But I have a favourite exercise many of my female clients can thank for their results.
It is the single-legged Romanian Deadlift. This exercise is fantastic for toning both the behind and the back of the thighs. Also, because this is a Single-legged exercise, it really helps strengthen your ankles and other stabiliser muscles in your legs. Here's how to do it:
1. Looking straight ahead, stand and balance on one leg, and move the other leg out a little behind you.
2. Keep a very slight bend in the knee throughout this exercise.
3. Begin to bend forward while at the same time pushing the behind and hips back and maintaining a flat (not rounded) back.
4. When bending over and pushing the hips back, move your other leg out behind you and reach down with your hands towards the toe of your foot that's planted on the ground and try to touch it. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings as you get to the deepest part where your back is parallel to the floor.
5. Then, focus on squeezing the behind muscle hard while you reverse the exercise and bring yourself back to upright (all the while maintaining that flat back)
Alright, that was one repetition! Now do 5-10 reps with each leg for 2-3 sets mixing this exercise into one of your normal sessions (or even just try this in your lounge room). At the end of a couple sets, You'll be feeling this big-time in your behind and the back of your thighs!
I know it may sound a little complicated, and the first time you try this behind exercise, you may really need to concentrate on your balance. But after a couple sessions of practicing these one-legged Romanian deadlifts, you'll start to get the hang of them and be able to focus more concentration on keeping the behind tight throughout the range of motion.
When you get used to this exercise and do it regularly, you should already be noticing a tighter, hotter behind! For more ways to tone not only your behind and thighs but also the rest of your body check out the link below