Abortion Rights And Laws In The United States
Abortion is considered a safe way to terminate pregnancy. There have been rare cases where the life of a woman was endangered due to an abortion in the first trimester. One in every 5 women terminates her pregnancy in the first trimester. The rate of complications increases with the rise in the gestational age of the fetus. But with the latest in technology and different facilities that are now provided to women abortion is now a safe procedure.
The abortion rulings do not apply only to the termination of pregnancy in the first trimester, but also the second trimester and late term termination of pregnancy. The rulings were passed in relation with the restrictions to termination of pregnancy that related to the gestational age, spouse and parent approval or consent and also as a mean to birth control.
Parental consent is important for a minor to get an abortion in over 35 states in the US. It is an important decision, and requires one or both parents involvement.
Partial Abortion Ban is widely prohibited as an inhuman act in most states.
41 states have banned abortion Post viability.
States like Connecticut, Maine, Maryland and Washington have allowed abortion in case there is a life threat to the mother.
States like Ohio, Alabama, Louisiana, and Missouri require tests to confirm viability before the procedure is carried out.
States like Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Miami, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Texas, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Nebraska, North Carolina, New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming allow abortion only by a reputed and qualified health service provider.
46 States have the rights to refuse abortion on religious grounds
Abortion is mostly considered in the USA by
A woman has been forced into sex or was raped
The woman could not afford to have a child
Students who are still studying
Employed women who are at the peak of her career
If Fetal Abnormalities are detected during the ultrasound
If it is an Unplanned pregnancy
Women having relationship issues
Having to face such an important decision is a not an easy situation a woman has. No matter on what grounds a woman decides to abort her pregnancy, she would still feel the pain and the remorse of having made such a decision. United States has provided this option for the woman to ensure that woman has the medical right over her body, but this decision should be taken wisely so that it does not give psychological issues or the post-abortion syndrome that a woman usually faces after having an abortion.