Heartburn Remedies - How to Get Rid of Heartburn
It is not in any way related to any heart disease but there is a sharp burning sensation associated with it which occurs near the heart just behind the ribs and the breastbones.
The condition itself can be mild as well as acute and even chronic.
When mild it does not pose any serious problem (everyone feels it sometimes).
But regular acute cases can be a symptom of severe intestinal problems like peptic ulcers, GERD, esophagitis, gastritis or hiatal hernia and needs to be treated with heartburn remedies as soon as possible.
Recent studies have suggested that inheritance also plays a major role in occurrence of this disease.
This disease fortunately has several very effective treatments available, but the most important thing to do is to control your diet and lifestyle.
Otherwise it can lead onto more serious things.
If you are suffering from acid reflux you should avoid cigarettes and alcohol, also avoid fat, spicy food and junk food.
Drinking warm milk helps a lot and drink lots of water.
Do not go to sleep immediately after a heavy meal, wait for 3 hours at least and try including an after lunch walks in your schedule.
If you are overweight try losing some excess pounds and do not wear tight pants or belts.
Over the counter treatments such as antacids can temporarily reduce the pain but they are not permanent solutions.
Most common examples of such antacids are Maalox, Mylanta and Riopan.
Keep in mind that sometimes these antacids cause indigestion and diarrhea.
According to some medical studies stress does not directly increase heartburn (in my cases that is definitely not true) but that it makes the pain receptors of the esophagus more sensitive and so people suffering from this problem usually suffer from increased distress caused by acid reflux.
Therefore reducing stress should be considered as one of the most important heartburn remedies you can use.