Facts About Nicotine Patches
- Nicotine patches are placed usually on the upper arm at intervals throughout the day, to replace nicotine that a smoker would normally receive by smoking cigarettes, thus helping to curb cigarette cravings while quitting.
- Nicotine patches vary in strength/dosage and are available by multiple brand names; your doctor can help you choose the appropriate patch for your needs.
- There is the possibility of side effects from using the nicotine patch, including headache, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision and diarrhea.
- Nicotine patches are not recommended for use by women who are breast feeding because the nicotine is distributed into breast milk.
- There are medications now being prescribed for use along with the nicotine patch to counteract mood swings and other side effects caused by quitting smoking that are not addressed by the patch alone.
- It has long been believed that recovering alcoholics cannot quit smoking. However, smokers with at least a year of sobriety who use the nicotine patch are as likely to quit smoking as smokers who are not alcoholics.