How to Get a Musty Smell Out of Bedroom Furniture That Was Stored in a Garage
- 1). Brush all the dirt and dust from the garage off your furniture with a clean, dry cloth or duster.
- 2). Take your bedroom furniture outside and let it air out for several days if possible. Fresh air provides the best ventilation to get rid of musty odors on furniture and fabrics. If you cannot take the furniture outside, put it in a well-ventilated room with the windows open and fans blowing to air it out.
- 3). Wipe down hard surfaces with a cloth and furniture polish. Remove drawers to clean behind them. Place a small air freshener in the depths of the furniture pieces to keep a fresh scent covering any remaining musty odors.
- 4). Vacuum the mattress and box spring. Spot treat stains with liquid laundry detergent and water. Finish by spraying the mattress and box spring with fabric freshener.