What You Should Know About The Treatment With Fillers
As we age, our face starts to feel the effects of gravity and excessive sun exposure, which are factors that can seriously influence its aesthetic appearance.
The subcutaneous tissue that provides a round youthful appearance of skin begins to break down, often leaving behind wrinkles in the area around the eyes or where different muscle movements occur.
The injectable substances known as fillers are commonly called collagen injections and represent substances that can help fill the lines and slits, temporarily restoring the smooth, younger looking aspect of the face.
When injected under the skin, these fillers can repair wrinkles, regardless of their place on the patient's face.
These injectable substances can be used alone or as part of an advanced laser treatment, as well as for facial recontouring procedures such as facelift.
If you ever consider undergoing a skin rejuvenation surgery based on hyaluronic acid, fat or other substances, the information below will give you a basic understanding of how the process works and the situations when these substances may help.
Before this intervention takes place it is important to know the exact results you can expect and the risks you expose to.
If things do not go as planned this usually means that you should have discussed more details with your surgeon.
The most used types of injectable substances are hyaluronic acid and fat.
However, other similar materials for face rejuvenation are also used, but to a lesser extent.
Gore-Tex, crystals of hydroxyapatite are other important alternatives, each of them coming with their own risks and benefits.
If you are interested in using any of these substances, consult your doctor.
Facial rejuvenation is one of the most individualized treatments.
It is therefore very important to discuss your realistic expectations with a plastic surgeon with experience in various surgical and cosmetic treatments, not only in the field of plastic surgery.
As part of the initial consultation your plastic surgeon will evaluate the skin condition of your face, as well as the facial muscles and bone structure.
Moreover, he will also discuss with you about why you want to undergo this kind of intervention.
Finally, your doctor will help you select the treatment that matches your goals, anatomy and lifestyle.
Immediately after treatment you will experience a minor discomfort, stinging or swelling in the injected area.
Occasional bruising or swelling may also occur but these are usually minor.
Finally, any redness in the area injected typically disappears within 24 hours.
The subcutaneous tissue that provides a round youthful appearance of skin begins to break down, often leaving behind wrinkles in the area around the eyes or where different muscle movements occur.
The injectable substances known as fillers are commonly called collagen injections and represent substances that can help fill the lines and slits, temporarily restoring the smooth, younger looking aspect of the face.
When injected under the skin, these fillers can repair wrinkles, regardless of their place on the patient's face.
These injectable substances can be used alone or as part of an advanced laser treatment, as well as for facial recontouring procedures such as facelift.
If you ever consider undergoing a skin rejuvenation surgery based on hyaluronic acid, fat or other substances, the information below will give you a basic understanding of how the process works and the situations when these substances may help.
Before this intervention takes place it is important to know the exact results you can expect and the risks you expose to.
If things do not go as planned this usually means that you should have discussed more details with your surgeon.
The most used types of injectable substances are hyaluronic acid and fat.
However, other similar materials for face rejuvenation are also used, but to a lesser extent.
Gore-Tex, crystals of hydroxyapatite are other important alternatives, each of them coming with their own risks and benefits.
If you are interested in using any of these substances, consult your doctor.
Facial rejuvenation is one of the most individualized treatments.
It is therefore very important to discuss your realistic expectations with a plastic surgeon with experience in various surgical and cosmetic treatments, not only in the field of plastic surgery.
As part of the initial consultation your plastic surgeon will evaluate the skin condition of your face, as well as the facial muscles and bone structure.
Moreover, he will also discuss with you about why you want to undergo this kind of intervention.
Finally, your doctor will help you select the treatment that matches your goals, anatomy and lifestyle.
Immediately after treatment you will experience a minor discomfort, stinging or swelling in the injected area.
Occasional bruising or swelling may also occur but these are usually minor.
Finally, any redness in the area injected typically disappears within 24 hours.