Ethics in the Employer-Employee Relationship
- Strong leadership from employers is a must when expecting employees to display working ethics. For example, a boss who expects employees to put in longer house should be willing to stay longer hours himself. Employers should credit those employees who show good work performance, punctuality and teamwork and put in a full day's work, and may even reward the employees by giving them an important project. It is an ethical responsibility of the employer to acknowledge an employee's job well done. Likewise, employers and employees both have a responsibility to adapt to changes in the work environment, such as a change in working schedules, as long as the changes are fair.
- Business ethics involve showing respect for others, cooperation, communicating in a professional manner and adhering to dress codes and language codes. Both employees and employers should show tactfulness while on the job and keep clear from engaging in harassment of any kind. Those disrespecting the rules and codes of conduct should be reprimanded with fair and standard punishments.
- It is the employer's responsibility to create clear-cut goals for each employee and make sure the employees know how to reach those goals. In order to reach goals efficiently and smoothly, employers have an ethical responsibility to keep track of employee progress and day-to-day activities, have regular meetings and keep communication open at all levels of business. Likewise, employees show responsibility by working to reach those short-term and long-term goals.
- An employer has the responsibility to hire the best candidate suited for the job without discrimination in regard to race, gender, sexual orientation and religion. The employer must be honest about working conditions, work expectations and wages. The wages must be fair for the entire employment population and reflect experience level and skills, education, job performance and length of employment. Employers must hire enough employees to meet business expectations and keep wages proportionate to the inflation of general living expenses.