PUA Seduction Gurus exposed!
The Seduction community's popularity has increased in the past few years thanks mainly to popular books such as: The Game by "Neil Strauss", Double Your Dating by "David DeAngelo", etc., which have helped the seduction community become more popular in the U.S. (and global) mainstream Western culture.
As a result, thousands (if not millions) of Western men have adopted these strategies to help themselves achieve success with beautiful, warm hearted ladies. However, very few of these men will ever achieve the kind of success that Western men achieve when they date foreign women.
In fact, I know many guys who have spent tons of cash on dating guru coaching, dating books, seduction seminars, etc. and not one of these men has ever achieved any success with the kind of women average guys I know achieve with foreign women!
The truth is: the Seduction community is great for Internet Marketing and online business owners with all the hype and glamour that sourrounds it. But for helping guys achieve success in the romantic area of their lives the seduction community comes up short.
The truth is the best solution to achieving success in the romantic area of your life is to date foreign women. That's right, I know tons of average guys who have found true happiness with foreign ladies without using any of the PUA and seduction community teachings.
I myself am one of those guys. Years ago I followed the advice of the PUA's and the seduction gurus with very little to show for all my time, energy, money and efforts. However, once I started dating foreign ladies, my love life went from zero to zenith!
Trust me, the truth is foreign women are the best solution to your love life. They are raised in a culture where appreciating their partners is the essence of their womanhood. They are more humble and value you more.
This is something that no dating guru can change. Many PUA books can teach you to try to trick women to date you or sleep with you. However, with foreign women you can be yourself and they will want to be with you for who you are. No special tactics or silly tricks, just plain old fashioned good loving!
On top of that, with foreign women you can have a wonderful, healthy relationship and true love. That's right, you get the whole package. Guys, stop wasting your time with the hype and the gimmicks, get with the real deal, get with foreign ladies---they are waiting for you!
Alex Di Blasio
Copyright 2011 by Alex Di Blasio