How to Use Your Yu-gi-oh! 5D Zombie Deck
- 1). Collect packs of Zombie cards to build your deck; these packs include cards such as "Goblin Zombie," "Pyramid Turtle" and "Book of Life." Build your deck depending on your personal strategic preference, whether you like to play an aggressive, offensive-oriented deck or a slower paced, defensive deck.
- 2). Begin a match with an opponent; for the best game, try to find someone using a Zombie deck as well. Use Zombie monster cards to attack your opponent's monsters or their life points directly. Use Trap and Spell Zombie cards to revive monsters from your Graveyard or summon them from your Zombie deck.
- 3). Use cards like "Plaguespreader Zombie" and "Mezuki" to summon other powerful monsters to the field. Zombie decks are effective because many cards allow you to revive or specially summon other monsters and control your opponent's monsters.
- 4). Play through a match continuing to use Zombie monster cards and effect cards to attack your opponent's monsters and hinder or prevent attacks on your own life points. Play powerful monsters simultaneously, such as "Il Blud" and "Dark Armed Dragon" to boost the number of attack points at your disposal to finish off your opponent.